Organic Pure Gold

Leave Super Bowl party ( @f3pierogi was still there ), sleep a couple hours, pick up Pierogi from the party, and head to A-Team.  The amount of food at this Super Bowl party was ridiculous; more than Thanksgiving.  You are familiar with these types of parties:  the host has an absurd amount of food and all the invitees bring a dish too.  And this scene may be familiar too:  food was all over the host’s/hostesses kitchen island and their kitchen table (none of which is acceptable for the Slack #nutrition channel), …and there…all by its lonesome…….the small proverbial veggie tray.  You know the one; the little pie-shaped dish with about a dozen each of carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, cherry tomatoes, and snap-peas. And there were lots of kids at this party, which were eventually banished to some little bonus room to watch a Disney flick while adults were glued to the t.v. to mostly watch commercials and discussed who in the room would get the Levine-like tattoo of North Carolina written largely in an arc on their stomach precisely between the umbilicus and pectorals (for the record I immediately thought who in F3 would do this…..and no brainer here…immediately decided Ma Bell would do it…..but he would add the word State below his umbilicus). Now where was I…oh yes, lots of kids there.  And before they were banished to the bonus room, all the adults were feverishly trying to get them to eat before the big game started.  It was comedy watching this because all the parents, including myself, were telling the kids to quit filling there plates full of crap and all kids were steered towards the lone small veggie tray.  “You need veggies on your plate”, the parents barked….all while said parents were holding large paper plates overdripping with artery clogging nacho cheese, greasy ribs dangling off the side, ‘sliders’ piled so high they are really burgers and not sliders, spongy white bread rolls packed with heavy mayo-based innerds, strength inhibiting pig-in-blankets, and all capped with a couple giant brownies teetering precariously on top of all that stuff (like you wouldn’t be able to go back for dessert later).  I found it hilarious; like funnier and more amusing than most of the commercials.

Anyhoo, showed up at A-Team and just as I was about to lead a workout as greatly planned as a Belichick defensive scheme, @burtcarpex busted out a grocery bag with gifts to bestow upon the QIC.  He carefully (and slowly explained each as he took each out of the bag—time was’a tickin’).  All the goodies from the Super Bowl commercials were there:  the non-high fructose corn syrup Bud Lites, the Organic Michelob Ultra Pure Gold, the ATLien favorite Terrapin, the high-octone Budweiser/Jim Beam concoction, and two of Becky’s chocolate donuts.  I finally decided to cut Burt off at 5:52 and commenced the workout.

Identify a partner; one that you don’t know much about.  On the warm-up jog, instructions were to get to know that F3 brother better.  Throughout the workout, men were called upon to tell the group about their F3 brother. x 20 Invisible Jump Rope, Sir Fazio’s, GM, merkins, chilcut PJs, MCs.  (all were in perfect cadence)

We then moseyed to the hill in front of the lake for some sorta double Jacob Ladder thingy with a ratio of 1 burpee at top to 5 Freddie Mercs.  Increase the aforementioned for seven sets. With our partner we ran backwards up said hill and formed two lines for some squat stuff, more getting to know your F3 brother, and some chatter.  Then we took off for a short Double Applesauce to the front parking lot with some stops along the way for some planks and so forth, and a set of Two Amigos.  Once at parking lot, line up across the parking lot from your partner:  bearcrawl to meet, parking merkin x 5, crawlbear to curb, x 5 derkin.  Repeato x 3.  After that fine partner exercise, we lined up on a parking space line for some super mini Agility City:  Flamingo Hop-N-Hold each leg, two foot hop travelers, and tandem travelers.  It was badass.  Somewhere in there, we did a couple sets of 25 reps of Wright Flyers and Air Force Ones. Men were then instructed to run faster than they normally would around the A-Team wanna-be DangerZone Pickle.  It was badass.  We then circled up for 25 LBCs, Air Force Ones, and some triceps surae stretches.

COT Not necessarily in this order, but eventually we performed Name-A-Rama, Count-A-Rama (12), Announcements, and Praises/Prayers. Announcements:  Liverpool and Water Wings need items to distribute on their Peru trip; details of what is needed are on Slack; let’s make that happen! Prayers:  Burt’s MIL, Disco’s M. Praise/prayer:  Ausfaurt is improving. BOM and Nekkid Mole Skin:     * Partnering with a bother that we might not know so well was awesome!  It was discussed today that we all have so much trust and faith with any of our F3 brothers, despite not even knowing someone all that well.  Discussion included that if an F3 brother asked you for any favor, you would do it—no question.  Think how awesome that is.  An example was yesterday when Loom said he needed somewhere to watch the game–and in like 30 sec., Riptide offered his house.  I will say it got a little weird, however, when @shutincarpex said he would be comfortable sleeping at any F3 brothers house—hahahaha!!!!

Overall it was a great morning (even though there may have been more 2nd F than 1st F). twas a pleasure.  luv u, Flip Flop

See also