Orbiting Planet Tortoise

Twelve other PAX gathered at Tortoises on a crisp moonlit morning to see what YHC had in store for them. Good mumble chatter as the PAX gathered and Crimson performed some sort of contortionist stretches to warm up, complete with moans and groans. With everyone ready and no FNGs, we set off for a warmup loop around the front parking lot and back to the side lot for warmups:

  • SSH x 20 IC
  • IW x 10 IC
  • GM x 10 IC
  • Sir Fazio x 10 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x 10 IC

For the featured part of the workout, we’re recognizing the 60th anniversary of the Sputnik launch (October 4, 1957). Now, YHC was prepared for some flack about commemorating a Soviet Russian achievement, and of course it came. YHC pointed out that without the Russians pushing us in the space race we wouldn’t have been able to continually outperform them in that arena from that point on. So, yeah, ‘Murica!

Now that we had avoided a repeat of the McCarthy era and were all feeling patriotic, our “orbits”, consisted of 6 trips around the Tortoises parking lot with stops to do 6 reps of a different exercise at each one, and a different means of moving from one station to the next. (Yes, I know this sounds a lot like the beast, but whatever.) By comparison, Sputnik did 1440 orbits before going offline, so you’re welcome! The stations:

  • Station 1 - Merkins
  • Station 2 - LBCs
  • Station 3 - Plank Jacks
  • Station 4 - Sum Squats
  • Station 5 - Pull-Ups (thanks again Pet Sounds and Notorious)
  • Station 6 - ALRSU on the picnic tables

With our orbits complete, we moseyed behind the church for some bear crawls in the grass leading to 5 burpees at one end; lunge walk back for 5 star jumps. Three rounds of that and YHC was savoring the groans and complaints from the PAX. Music to my ears!

Back to the parking lot for Mary

  • WW IIs x 10 - a Tortoises standard
  • Russian Hammers x 10 IC
  • Boris (Homer) to Natasha (Marge) x 10 IC
  • Reverse Crunch x 10 IC
  • PAX choice - I recall LBCs, Freddy Mercuries, dying cockroaches, burpees… there may have been others
  • Finish with Have a Nice Day

Count-a-rama: 13 strong

After announcement and prayer requests, YHC took us out.


  • There’s some sort of epic event happening on Saturday. The Carpex CSAUP known as the Odyssey kicks off at 0600 from the kiosk at Bond Park (be there earlier to stretch and prepare).
  • As mentioned in other COTs, Krispy Kreme Challenge sign-up is now open.
  • F3 Raleigh Triple Down is next Saturday, October 14. There will be ruck, F3 and FIA workouts at this convergence event, with the opportunity to whichever ones you like. See F3 Raleigh web site for details.


  • Prayers of praise for Yogi’s son who was accepted into the Bridge program that will put him on the path for a possible career with the Forest Service.
  • Prayers for guidance and wisdom for Yogi who did not get into the Park Ranger program. Asking that God make it obvious how he would use Yogi and in what direction he should go next.
  • Leprechaun’s cousin, Edward is going through his final round of chemo this week, and then will have a scan in 6 weeks to see if the Hodgkin’s Lymphoma has left his body. Prayers for comfort for this family and healing for Edward so that he can go back to enjoying being a 12-year-old boy.
  • Prayers for Las Vegas and the horrific tragedy there earlier this week. Comfort for the families, healing for the survivors and wisdom for government leaders and officials to figure out a way to keep this from happening.


  • Felt much more comfortable today after attending Q school on Sunday. Tclaps to CK and Chinese Downhill for coordinating that!
  • Wondering how many others will start following the Sooey and Crimson plan by sitting in their cars until the last possible minute to stay warm. It wasn’t THAT cold, guys! ;-)
  • As noted by the strikethrough text above, YHC, totally spaced out (ha!) and forgot about the differing modes of transport which had been planned for between stations until midway the first orbit. I even had signs at each of the stations to avoid confusion. Oh well, best-laid plans.
  • For the record, it was going to be lunge walk, bear crawl, karaoke, broad jump and jog. Again, you’re welcome Tortoises!
  • Thanks to Earhart for coaching me along through some of the bumpy parts at Mary.
  • Thanks to Disco Duck for help with timing. YHC is severely limited in low light without my glasses and the watch on my FitBit just isn’t large enough!
  • Thank you all for the opportunity to lead you this morning. I hope it was satisfying.

See also