Operating Heavy Machinery

Having been thinking about having some fun at an AO for a while and decided MASH would be the ideal place to give it a shot. Had I known how many peeps we’d have, I would have recruited a second!

Arrived a few minutes early. Unfortunately not early enough as I was maybe 15 seconds too late to give Pivot a good scare by blasting my horn as he ran by. Instead the EC’er saw me coming and waved. Good scare ruined.

Parked car… thought better of it… moved car to a new location.


Greet the PAX. Lots of new faces. No FNGs.

Ran the pickle and circled up for GMs, IW, squats, merkins, world’s best stretch and I think something else.

Thang 1

Split the conveniently sized group of 16 into four groups of four.

Group 1: alternating squats & merkins

Group 2: speed walking the parking lot

Group 3: follow me. You’re the there for safety. And lunge walks

Group 4: mosey to the Jeep. One guy in driver’s seat w/ Jeep in Neutral. Other three push it to the end of the lot. Reverse.

All groups rotate.

I think I kept the mystery of what Group 4 would be up to quite nicely. Or at least I hope I did. Something different.

Thang 2

Dirty Bomb successfully EH’ed a guy leaving a gym. DB is an EH’ing machine. He may have surpassed Sooey for birthing the most PAX. More on FNG later.

10 burpees as we regroup. Half the PAX ran the long parking lot. The other half did 5-burpee parking lot sprints.

Flip flop. Repeato.


Back to the grass for LBCs, Dying Cockroaches, FKs, Hello Dolly, FM, Supermans and 30 merkins.


  • 19 PAX including 1 Honor, several respects, 1 FNG and a whole mess of Meh’s
  • Announcements: TCP; October
  • Prayers for Intimidator’s mom, other PAX with heavy hearts

Welcome The Wanderer. Former Fort Bragg Army guy with five kids, multiple businesses, college football, history of surveillance work. Lots of options here but I think the PAX were intimidated to be too mean.

See also