One Way on Waldo Street

It was a pretty even split between sleeves and no sleeves on TTT - then one more PAX (with sleeves) rolled in at 0545. Allegiance was pledged, then burpees were done x 10. Off we went…

Warm Up

Mosey to the infamous circle at the intersection. Complete SSHs, Hill Billies, Moroccan Night Clubs, Seal Claps, Plank Jacks and SIX control freak Merkins.

The Thang

Still in the Warm up circle, complete a round of Jack Webbs up to 10:40. Begin the mosey to the water fountain. On the way, complete 10 Monkey Humpers, 10 Jump Squats, then due to PAX request 10 more Monkey Humpers with the business end toward the Mayton Inn. Arrive at the water fountain for a round of 11s:

  • Wall Jump Burpees at the fountain, Dying Cockroaches at the amphitheatre stage, run the pickle in between.

Mosey back to Waldo street; bear crawl 2 street lights distance, then high knees for one more light and mosey the rest of the way to the flag.


  • One round of Captain Thor, up to 10:40
  • Hello Dolly
  • Have a Nice Day


Dang we’re old - 4 Respects, 1 almost among 3 Mehs.

Announcements, prayer requests and a reading from Jon Gordon’s The Power of Positive Leadership, then YHC took us out in prayer.


Always call let Callahan have a round of Hello Dollys in the Mary circle. It’s worth the entertainment value. Term Paper did a great job with the cadence count.

Fluoride protested that he was not late. But if you’re not early…burpees!

Be a little better today than you were yesterday.

See also