One Thang

16 pax came out to do a thang this morning…

YHC has never done the Q week thing because…well because YHC doesn’t want to. It’s tiring and it’s a lot of planning and backblast writing. Yet, somehow we got where we are today. 5 b-day Qs this week (day 6 is the Odyssey, aw shucks oh well).

As YHC pulls into the lot he sees 4 guys punkin him and running before the workout.  They must have #Qshopped and noticed it’s a Shutty Q so they needed to get extra work it.  Feelings hurt.

Bunny was there.  He’s from F3 Knoxville.  He pulled in to the lot before YHC and was probably confused to see 4 cars and no people.  Or maybe I’m not giving him enough credit.

Sidenote:  Can we talk about the growing addiction to EC runs before workouts?  [puts on Burt voice] “HEY! ha! Back in my day workouts were only 45 minutes…and they started at 6am!”  – There’s even talk of an EC run before the new #BackInBlack AO starting this week 0515 Kokabooth VIP lot on Thursday

So yeah, back to the workout.  It was easy, we only did one Thang!  Planned on more but here’s what we did:

Warmup Shut-In Signature:  10 GMs 15 HBs 20 SMs 20 SSH (25 seems like too much too boring…)

Thang Run towards Lifetime but hang a left into the office park, realized you’ve only come this way one time before and don’t know how to cut through to the parking lot, decided to high knees over the rocks to get through, knock out a few spiderwebs, then turn around to talk to pax so call backwards run, realize you need something else to do so throw in a paint the lines with burpees in each parking spot, head to the hill for Thang One, see it’s too wet and slick and want to be a #paxpleaser a #peoplespax a #HIMoftheyear (some might say.  Comin for you Duck!), so move on to Thang 2 which will now become the only Thang we do… And here we are, 1.1 miles in and finally about to do the damn Thang.

  • Partner up - P1 does OYO AMRAP exercises / P2 does long distance suicides
  • Everytime P2 comes back to the start P1 switches to the other exercise.  There were 7 light poles I think
  • Hand Release Merkins / V Ups
  • P1 P2 then flapjack
  • CDDs / Squats
  • P1 P2 then flapjack

Aaand that was all.  It’s now been 30 mintues and 2.5 miles.  Get in groups of 4 and indian run it back to the flag.

Upon arrival we did have 5 minutes so YHC called a bear crawl lap around the pickle where P1 crawls, P2 runs it and catches P1 from behind and they flapjack until their group is back to the flag



  • NEW AO Thursday 10/18 - Back in Black 0515 at Kokabooth VIP lot.  Regular 45 min bootcamp
  • Carpex Triple Down 11/17 - 0545 Bond Park:  Ruck, F3, Fia - 3 workouts, 2.5 hrs

See also