One more thing technology ruined

No, it’s not the encyclopedia salesman nor roosters. It’s being able to tell CW from CCW.

YHC showed up at #MeasureTwice a couple minutes early and just at 5:30 began the disclaimer (see NMS) and a talk-through of the run route. My goal had been to add a few short-cuts for the Clydesdales so we could run the same route and start/finish together with a few options in between. But Franklin started getting all antsy so instead of taking it nice and slow like I would have done normally with someone so clearly not in control of their faculties, I rushed through things. Oops.

First Measure - Run:

Start towards the big oval in Carpenter Village. Clydesdales right, Greyhounds left. Callahan got confused and went left. He regretted/enjoyed it.

At the bottom of the oval and entering the path going CLOCKWISE around the lake, I expected to see the Clydesdales off in the distance, acting as the rabbit to Shut In’s “Santa’s Little Helper”. But either those dudes got fast quick … or they got lost.

They got lost. Or rather, they listened to Liverpool who apparently said, very authoritatively I imagine, that CLOCKWISE meant right.

It didn’t.

Ah well. At least Callahan set a PR mile and 5K time!

Second Measure - Stretch:

Stretchies. I watched a yoga-for-runners video by some Aussie lady the night before but clearly my explanation of some of the routines did not meet expectations. Will have to try again. I liked the shoulder stretches though.


  • 10
  • Prayers: leaders, wisdom and patience. Pivot and Torpedo.
  • Announcements: CSAUP is on.


  • Coronavirus situation is not getting any better in NC. A reminder that we need to maintain social distancing at AOs
  • Nice job Callahan!
  • Parker rocks a solid headstand. YHC… a bit less so.
  • I did log a geocache on the way home
  • Great to see Betsy Ross out this morning. It’s been a while but it’s always great to see an old face out in the gloom.

See also