One more lap

YHC was pleased to see 18 HIMs gather in the gloom for a mostly running workout. I realize the PAX like to incorporate all the major muscle groups so I incorporated a variety of exercises, but I really prefer running. Today we covered 2.8 miles around the parking lot, but next time we will take one more lap around the parking lot which should get us to 3.


No FNGs, so standard disclaimer and Pledge of Allegiance.


Mosey around building to the church courtyard for:

  • SSH
  • Windmills
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Merkins
  • Stretches

Thang 1

Clementine has a nice routine called 44s which I tried to copy. Apparently I didn’t remember the directions exactly, but the PAX played along. What I did remember was to repeat the following 4 times:

  • 11 CDDs
  • run a lap

We repeated this pattern three more times with plank jacks, monkey humpers and something else which I can’t remember.

Thang 2

Mosey to the other side of the parking lot.

Pick a partner for catch-me-if-you-can. Once around with 5X burpees. Another loop with 10X star jumps.

Finally, fellowship run around parking lot with 15 merkins at each corner.


PAX choice for 7 minutes of Mary.


See also