One more lap!

Good weather brought 19 eagar PAX out this morning to A-Team. YHC took a quick warm up jog to stretch out since this was my first post in a week. After arriving back at the flag and stretching it was 5:44. Quick test of the PAX lead Crimson to provide the mission of F3 and Hotspot had to phone a friend of the disclaimer. Luckily Smokey was ready! After the pledge it was 5:45 and we were off!

Warm up:

Stop at the warm up parking lot for.

  • Good mornings - apparently 6 isn’t enough
  • Windmills
  • Merkins
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Burpees to celebrate our late arrival

Thing 1:

Jog to large shelter for some dips, step ups, and derkins. Set of 10 each then run the pickle. Repeat for a total of 3 sets.

Thing 2:

Mosey over to power line hill for 7’s. Burpees at the top, Merkins at the bottom. Split into two groups to distribute crowd and headlamps.

Thing 3:

80% mosey back to front parking lot. Partner up for Dora 100, 100, 100. Carolina Dry Docks. Squats, LBCs. Partner runs the pickle.

With some time left and my Apple watch approaching 3 miles, Crimson encouraged another loop around the pickle. Still not at 3 miles, so we did it another lap. Why not? The PAX were getting after it!


  • Home to marge
  • Dying cockroaches
  • Crimson called some American Hammers
  • Have a nice day!


  • Lots of prayers for friends and relatives that have passed too young recently. Please remember you are not promised another day, so make today as great as you can. Also support our PAX in time of need.
  • Strong work today! Especially after YHC has been out traveling and camping. Thanks for the opportunity to lead!

See also