Once you get it, you can’t put it down; also, partner up to know your Brother


Date: 5/24/19

PAX: Adjacent, Beltway, Blue Water, Captain Jack, Denali, Honeycomb, FNG Keebler, Kitty Litter, Oofta, Joe Smith, Smokey, Stetson, Wonderbread, WWW

The design of the workout came to mind when I met up with Hermès to pick-up approximately 200 decorative bricks. It was a workout loading them into the bed of my truck. Those bricks were of perfect coupon weight to challenge the HIMs.

Time to party … brick party that is. 1 FNG so we did the mission and disclaimer F3 admin speech. Pledged our Allegiance to our country honoring Ole Glory.

YHC/QIC lowered the bed panel to reveal the surprise. QIC directed the PAX to grab 2 bricks per HIM and mentioned not to let it go. The looks were priceless.

Mosey around the pickle to the big shelter for warm-ups. Those coupons started to get heavier as we continued our mosey to the big pavilion.

Warm-up with coupons: GM, hamstring stretch, calf stretch with CFMs, Sir Fazio forward, shoulder press, Sir Fazio reverse

After warm-ups, QIC had the PAX partner up and start the thang. The goal is to know your Brother.

Thang 1:

5 rounds with coupon magic. After each round, Run the pickle with your coupon and your partner. Then Burpees x5 with your coupon on QIC down before the start of the next round. Also, switch partner.

R1: L/R step-ups x10, curls x10, LBC x10 IC

R2: L/R step-ups x10, curls x10 IC, low slow flutter x10 IC

R3: L/R step-ups x10, homer to marge with coupon on hips x10 IC, traveling Merks (table top, bench, standard x10)

R4: Squats x10, Shoulder flyes x10, dying coach roach x10 IC

R5: L/R step-ups x10, Squats x10, Shoulder flyes x10 IC, irkins x10, WWIIs x10

Mosey back to the flag to release the coupons.

Circle up for hands of time (plank hold 10 count around the horn). QIC threw in some 6" for a few count offs.

In the circle, it was time for PAX favorite exercise 10 count. The HIMs did great because they all followed direction. No reward burpees for anyone.

Count-a-Rama: 14

Name-a-rama: 4 respects, 10 mehs


Memorial Day Murph Convergence (meet at Olive Chapel Elementary at 0700) - Theismann is the QIC; Carpex Century Day on 5/31 … goal to have 100 PAX attend; Crazy Train on 5/8 … meet at BO to take the train to Raleigh; TCP Sawgrass on 5/26 (Slack for deets)


Prayers and praises for our injured Brothers across the region. May the dear Lord lay his healing hands on them so they can return to the gloom 100%.

YHC led us out.


Welcome FNG Keebler!!!

This was Beltway’s second post for the week. Promising!!! Good on you Brother!

Bricks may look light but when you have two and do not set them down, they get heavier in time. Learning point … you have to let go some time so you do not keep suffering.

It’s always a blessing to get to know a HIM. They are in you life for a reason and that is to help you grow to be a better man.

It was an honor to lead you HIMs.

Have a great day!!!

See also