On the hunt

OK fellas, YHC was feeling a little something extra this week in prep for a Phoenix-lead beatdown.

I showed up at 0600 with a pocket full of scavenger hunt clues. Before setting out to strategicly place them around Bond Park, Brother Snots pulled into the lot. With that we rolled out…

…back in time for some mumble before the beatdown, seeing no FNG’s YHC dropped the F3 mission statement and credo on the pax, and we’re off.

Warm-up: Over to the community center lot for standard warm-ups. From there have the pax count off 1-2-3-4… and look at that, an even 16 in the house.

The Thang: Four groups of four were each handed their own scavenger hunt clue. The four read:

  1. Team 1 must go across the park, it’s not safe for your 2.0 to play there after dark. Upon arriving at the playground, team one found their exercise sheet.
    • 2 guys doing LBCs while the other 2 did 10 pull-ups. Flip-flop x3
    • 2 guys doing Dying Cockroach while the other 2 did 20 merkins. Flip-flop x3.
    • 2 guys doing Freddy Mercs while the other 2 did 30 squats. Flip-flop x3.
  2. Team 2 it’s time to bust a jig, get on moving to where you can get swolled up big (make sure New Hampshire is in sight).
    • 2 guys doing LBCs while the other 2 did 10 rock your bodies. Flip-flop x3.
    • 2 guys doing Dying Cockroach while the other 2 did 20 curls. Flip-flop x3.
    • 2 guys doing Freddy Mercs while the other 2 did 30 rock squats. Flip-flop x3.
  3. Team 3 needs a shelter with service on the heart. The guys who are named here, always do their part.
    • 2 guys doing LBCs while the other 2 did 10 dirkens. Flip-flop x3.
    • 2 guys doing Dying Cockroach while the other 2 did 20 LRSU. Flip-flop x3.
    • 2 guys doing Freddy Mercs while the other 2 did 30 dips. Flip-flop x3.
  4. Team 4 if Ripper’s there his would be green, but today that’s not the house you need. You can do work there to be lean and mean.
    • 2 guys doing LBCs while the other 2 did 10 stair or bench jumps. Flip-flop x3.
    • 2 guys doing Dying Cockroach while the other 2 did 20 merkins. Flip-flop x3.
    • 2 guys doing Freddy Mercs while the other 2 did 30 squats. Flip-flop x3.

The Thang (cont.): After all were done their next clue read, “Time to move those feet, your next stop is where you’d post an info sheet.” Along the way, tclaps to 3 of the groups for heading to the rocks to pick up our bros. When all pax are at the kiosk the next clue instructed them to complete a set of 7’s on the hill (merkins + sumo squats). HIMOTY Disco Duck did burpees instead of merkins… HIMF. The rest of the morning:

  • Circle up for a burpee ring. A few bulls in the middle, a bunch of burpees around the ring.
  • At the bottom of the hill for some mid-workout mary. A sprint up the hill.
  • Back to the pocket park for a few rounds of dips, dirkens and irkens (assists from Duck and Theismann), with some bear crawls and lunges woven in.
  • Back out on the road with an AYG back to the flag.

Marry and we done.

COT: 17, Cataracts took us out.

NMS: Great work men. You got stronger, and I hope you had a good time doing it.

See also