Old School Tour

Aside from VQ Week, RESPECT week is my favorite week on the F3 Carpex liturgical calendar. Well, except for my birthday week. Speaking of that, I once told my wife that our wedding day was the second best day of my life. She looked surprised and hurt, and asked me what my best day was, then rolled her eyes when I told her it was the day I was born. But I digress…seriously, the fact that RESPECT week is on the week of Veterans Day.

It was a touch chilly but nice and dry. And it felt so good after 40 straight months of 100 degree temperatures. 9 showed up, making it feel like the days of yore. Anyway, we need to move to keep warm. Let’s start with the Plank of Allegiance. You read that right. We planked with our hands over our heart while we recited the pledge. Let’s take a jog to the top of the parking lot and up the street to the new parking lot and up a level for a warmup of totally appropriate exercises, starting with a burpee circle and concluding with Homer to Marge under the new-fangled camera thingy.

Thang 1 consisted of a set of 5s with Merkins up one level, Star Jumps down one level and 5 burpees in the middle. Out the other side and up to the corner across from the old Cary Elementary for some squats. Over to the fancy fountain for

Thang 2 - lunge walk around the fountain stopping every quarter of the way around for 10 Irkins and 10 Derkins. Continue on back up Academy with a circle around the old library, and monkey humpers in front of the butt fountain. Then over to the failed Mayton Inn for dying cockroaches.

Thang 3 - take it on up to the the bank courtyard where we normally warm up. Ignore the lady joggers fellas and grab a bench. Alternating L/R step-ups in cadence followed by 10 box jumps OYO. Let’s head on across the RR tracks and line up in plank for 3 rounds of Cackalacky Choo-Choos. Run on down the street behind Town Hall, past the old parking deck, and back around to the little people statues for Little People Jumping Jacks and LBCs in cadence. Jog it on back to Waldo and line up for Billy Run to the flag. Circle up on your 6 for Mary

At COT, we did announcements, prayers, and BOM where YHC took us out in prayer. We lifted up Burt’s Uncle Joe, Term Paper’s mom, my co-worker whose Mom passed away, and others. No trunk coffee. And apparently all Cary-based coffee shops don’t open until 7

See also