Old Home Week


Nothing like going back home. B.O. holds a special place in YHC’s heart for a few reasons. First, it was the site of my first post, and where I was named. Second, it happens to coexist with where I go to church. Finally, it offers the most diverse set of workout opportunities of any AO in Carpex. But enough of that, let’s go


Jog over to the best warm-up site in all of Carpex in front of the bank and circle up for

  • SSH IC
  • Standard Merkins OMD
  • Plank Jacks IC
  • Derkins OMD
  • GMs IC

The Thang

Jog down Academy to the Arts Center (formerly Cary Elementary) - stopping at the balls and butt display in the courtyard of the old library for monkey humpers IC - and partner up.

P1 crawl bear up the steps then traverses the rails sideways in plank position all the way around and down; meanwhile P2 does alternating 15 x Irkins, 15 x Dips until partner returns. Flapjack. Then repeato. Jog around behind the arts center to the back parking lot. Split into groups of 4. Bear crawl to each corner for standard merkins at corner 1, diamond merkins at corner 2, widegrip merkins at corner 3, and ranger merkins at corner 4. Between each corner, mosey back to the middle for 10 squats. When all 4 groups had finished with each of the corners, job it back across and up Dry Ave to the corner of Academy. Run back up Academy until you get to the Baptist Church parking lot entrance, stopping to alternate at each light pole with 10 merkins and 10 LBCs. Squat hold until the 6 arrived. Jog down the Baptist church parking lot and up Harrison to the rock pile.

Grab a rock and come on back to the parking lot for sets of curls, tricep extensions, arm raises, and another set of curls IC. Put the rocks away and jog it back to the flag. Got there right on time for


  • Count-a-rama: 13
  • Name-a-rama: 5 RESPECTS, 8 mehs
  • Announcements: K2C, pre-murph
  • Prayers/Praises: Callie’s 10th wedding anniversary
  • BOM: YHC took us out in prayer


  • It was more than an honor to lead the HIM at this hallowed AO. It was a great combination of some OG PAX and newish PAX. That is what I love about Carpex
  • Also, it had the feel of an old school bootcamp - straight vanilla, no shenanigans, but still hard.
  • Burt brought the tanks. And we needed them because it was freaking 64 degrees
  • Burt also brought a Naturday, an IPA, and a 15 year old airplane bottle of some fruity vodka. I’m not sure why.
  • Captain Kirk was straight ballin’ in some Cary Imp re-gifted basketball shorts from Press On. Kirk informed us that all the clothes he got that wonderful Christmas afternoon all had LG imprinted in them and that that stood for “Large.”
  • Many laughs were had. This is also what I love about Carpex.

See also