Oil Can and Meatballs Along Route 66

Thirteen HIM’s gathered this morning for YHC’s 1-year F3 anniversary Q. Perfect spring weather for a run around Bond Park.

Warm-up: Mosey to the upper lot, circle up for Good Mornings, Side Straddle Hops, Windmills, Hillbilly’s and a few stretches. PAX in full chatter mode today with Yogi and Liverpool leading the mumblechatter, noting the Q’s rather stylish flexibility on display. Mosey to the rockpile for Thang1

Thang 1: Find an ego rock and circle up for Rock Rows, Squats, Curls, Overhead Press, Lunges and Triceps; PAX traded rocks to keep everyone honest. Of course, not every HIM selects the Ego rock, to which Yogi (who else) would suggest that he makes bigger meatballs. Let’s take him up on the offer. PAX instructed to drop rocks for a return trip. Mosey down the hill for some quick dips and a bear crawl through the Amphitheater, just ‘cause…

Thang 2: YHC’s version of a Route 66, which for the mathematically challenged is running to 11 stations, with 6 exercises at each station in a rising count of reps starting at 1 ending at 11 (go ahead, get a calculator, do the math). Properly executed, the drill results in 66 reps of each exercise and takes about 25-30 minutes. Today’s feature: Star Jumps, Wide Grip Merkins, Plankjack (4-count=1), Mountain Climber (4-count=1), WWI, Dying Cockroach. At station 4, Yogi about collapsed (he recovered) and Mumblechatter subsided… At Station 7 the PAX were greeted by a spry, yellow-vested TOC park employee who eagerly joined the chatter, introducing himself as an 85-year old Korean War Veteran who could still do 15 push-ups (the “Army way - all the way down!”). The PAX regrouped to Stan’s micro-Q of 15 perfectly executed Merkins, earning F3 name Oil Can for his efforts. Q called it at 10 stations for time, leading a 9/10ths sprint up the hill, back to the rocks.

Thang 3: Repeato with the rocks, stow and go for a mosey back to the parking lot, with a brief detour for a ceremonial balls to the wall on a 5-count running down the PAX.

Mary & COT followed

Thank you men for allowing me to lead you today, in my first year and 16th Q. I have appreciated your fellowship, inspiration, toughness and motivation and seek to pay it back and pay it forward in life and through this amazing group. SYITG

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