Oh, the humanity!

Blue steel flashing, hot lead flying I wonder what it feels like when they’re dying Someday soon it might be my turn. Is it worth the money I earn? And it seems to me this is one helluva way for me to earn that pay

The lyrics were coursing through my head all day Thursday as I thought about Qing Bounty Hunter. How could I live up to that? Well, let’s see.


Run along the tantalizingly locked up soccer field to the end  where the paths diverge and circle up in the middle of the road. Yes, in the middle of the road; you heard me.

9 penalty burpees for the toe jokes 9 x GM IC 15 x Mer..car! dammit!…kins IC 20 x SSH 10 x Merkins IC

The Thang

Partner up. Size Matters. No, number of toes doesn’t matter. We’re going to do a modified Hindenburg BLIMPS set. That’s around the perimeter of the so-close-but-locked-up soccer field, stopping at each corner to do the exercises below. Between each lap, we either planked or squatted it out. Before embarking on the next lap, YHC picked one PAX to tell a #dadjoke. There were some good ones; there were some bad ones; there were some poorly executed ones. We have work to do in many aspects of our lives.

1st lap: 5 Burpees 2nd lap: 10 Lunge Jumps 3rd lap: 15 Imperial Walkers 4th lap: 20 Merkins 5th lap: Partner Carry - switch as needed 6th lap: 30 Squerkins (consisting of 15 derkins and 15 squats)

After the last lap, someone just had to throw in another toe joke. 9 more penalty burpees! Jog back toward the skate park, stopping at the first cross-walk. P1s on the line. Sprint to the next cross-walk. P2s follow-suit. Side note: Franklin cheats.


15 x Low Slow Flutters IC 15 x Squeaky Bed Rosalitas IC


Count-o-rama: 18 Name-o-rama: A few RESPECTS; a buncha mehs; no hates Announcements: HH tonight at 5:30 - watch the twitters for deets; Phoenix at 0630 Saturday, followed by the launch of FiA CarPEX at 0800. Prayers: Shank’s co-worker; Down Under’s daughter, Banjo and Ma Bell’s ASP mission trip next week

BOM: Hi-Liter took us out in beautiful prayer


Why is Franklin so mellow? Could it be related to his recent trip to Amsterdam. I’m serious; the dude was seriously mellow. Like, duuuuuuuuude chill. So much whining about when are the partners coming into play. Patience, boys. Patience. That should be our lesson of the day: From Romans 8:25-26:

25 But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.

26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.

See also