Oh So Vanilla

When the temps dip down below freezing, it doesn’t take as much convincing to stay in the ol’ fartsack. Except when you’ve signed up to Q, and your M is planning to ride with you to FiA. And when you’re bursting with excitement at the opportunity to bring out some of the old favorites.

Sixteen HIMs at the flag, including one FNG - disclaimer is exclaimed, allegiance is pledged, and we take a warmup lap around the soccer field.

Warm Up

SSHs, Cotton Pickers, Steve Earles, Moroccan Nightclubs, Overhead claps, Plank Jacks, and Control Freak Merkins.

The Thang

Mosey toward downtown, stopping at the office building just past where Mr. A’s Beignets serve up deliciousness (almost) every day. This particular building has steps on either side.

Partner up for Dora 123 - 100 Merkins, 200 LBCs, 300 Squats. Partner 1 works on the exercises while Partner 2 runs the steps and back. With a twist - on the partner swap complete 5 Bropees each time.

Once everyone is done, complete one Apple Turnover the length of the parking lot, then mosey back to the skate park.


Circle up for a round of Jack Webbs. Once complete, stay in the same circle for a round of Captain Thor. Make it to 8:32, time runs out. Have a Nice Day.


1 Respect, 15 Mehs

Welcome FNG Noodle!

Announcements: TCP Carying Place is kicking back off, sign up to help. The Mule this Saturday.

Prayers/Praises: Crimson & family, Ausfarht, Sooey.

YHC took us out.


  • This was a very Ma Bell workout. You missed out breaux.
  • One FNG and new guys for dayz! This is an awesome trend. Some of these newer guys are absolutely KILLING IT. Well done.
  • Frisco wore 5 layers.
  • YHC had the pleasure of teaming up with FNG Noodle for the Dora. Good times - thanks to Imp and Butt Fumble for getting him out. Frisco tried to claim credit but the plot was discovered.
  • 1.19 miles, a very low mileage total. While low on miles, we were high on pain.

See also