OGs of DZ


Maybe 5 hours of sleep just isn’t enough to fully recover from a holiday party as lit as a Carpex party. 

It was in the 40’s, cloudy with a chance of rain (and/or merlot), and multiple PAX were feeling ROOOOUUGH. Burt, evidently, wasn’t one of them. He instead was up to his usual antics of yelling loudly. Flacco was not appreciative. Nor was I. 

YHC saw it was 0545 and took off around the pickle. Only Saban followed because 1) he’s the only loyal one, and 2) Pierogi confused everyone by running the opposite direction to his house. At first we thought he was sick, but nay, he was too scared to put up with YHC’s Q. Poor guy. 

Eventually the PAX caught up. So we warmed up. Good mornings, Arm Circles, Prisoner Squats, and SSH (which I cut short because each jump made my brain hurt). 

YHC led the PAX down the trail to the overlook. Partner up, one partner stays at the overlook and does dips, irkens, and dirkens while the other runs down to the bridge, bear-crawling out and lunge-walking back. Slight modification was needed as bridge was covered with ice. 

Ran back up to the hilly field, one partner backwards run up the hill, crawlbear down while the other partner does Mary. Flip flop, and repeato. Run back up to the shelter cuz it’s raining and I’m not in a mood to be hungover AND wet. 

At the shelter, start with 10 reps of each of the below, then 8,6,4, and 2:

  • Tea bags
  • One-legged squats on bench
  • Other leg
  • Dips
  • Diamond Irkens
  • Dirkens

Last thang, one partner runs the pickle while the other does ALRSU and Low Slow Flutters. Flip flop, then repeato. 

Mary: We did some freddy mercs. That was it. 


  • Count-o-rama: 7 PAX (4 hungover, 3 way too damned energetic)
  • Name-o-rama: Still 7 (2 RESPECTS, 5 meh, average PAX age = 46!!)
  • Announcements: Noop
  • Prayers/Praises: Puck and Viking’s family (Grandmother passed away),  Flip Flop’s coworker also lost her mom, Ausfardt and his family, My M, Saban’s daughter and upcoming soccer tourney in extra crappy weather


  • Uuuuuugghhh
  • Some real DZ OG’s out this morning. Felt really good (ish) to be back out in the DZ gloom. 
  • We missed Largemouth, but screw him
  • Burt didn’t know what OG stood for. He recently learned what TWSS stands for. Discussion was had about which PAX are the best and worst at using TWSS. 
  • But for reals, are all the beers at Fortnight like 9% ABV? Why do I feel like I’ve got the flu?


See also