Officially-sanctioned, Nantan-endorsed, non-Russian-doped, F3Nation-approved 2nd F

Guys, I have about 6.5 minutes to write this, so I’m going bullet-point, rapid-fire style.  What follows is the general direction the flow of (great) conversation went during the Official NW Cary 2ndF (TM), I think you’ll see a definite trend.  Given the sophomoric nature of the mumblechatter at Flying Circus this morning (looking at you Nantan), I’m surprised we started as elevated and cerebral as we did.

  • What would you expect walking into a joint called White Oak Coffee & Tea?  Perhaps coffee?  You’d be wrong. 8PAX overwhelmed the joint and a good junk of the 2nd F occurred in line.  Hey Cally, get your peeps in line.
  • After discussing such weighty topics as how to spell YHC’s last name (can you still do it Franklin?) and how a produce sticker ended up in Banjo’s fecal smoothie, we all had drinks of varying temperatures and seats and the conversation really got rolling
  • Pet Sounds mentioned Dredd’s idea of 2ndF: building houses in Peru which led to…
  • Pet Sounds being voluntold to organize a Carpex service 2ndF which led to…
  • Discussion of the Tribeca 2ndF and the phenomenal tacos which led to…
  • Best taco trucks in Apex which led to…
  • Lengua, cabeza, y Gato relleno con cafe (look those up), Balut (don’t look that up), and roast Guinea Pig which led to…
  • Why SkyBlue was missing and his need for a well-made lunch which led to…
  • Banjo’s fecal smoothie again (possibly false, but needed to get back to Banjo) which led to…
  • Franklin questioning Banjo’s layers (18 on top, 1, maybe 2, on bottom) which led to…
  • Nature Boy’s tights which led to…
  • The tights Banjo wore on Halloween which led to…
  • The general awesome-ness of compression socks which led to…
  • Further discussions of how this is truly a legit 2ndF event which led to…
  • Wondering where Sooey and Crimson were which led to…
  • Discussing the Strava email bomb which led to…
  • Banjo declaring Sooey’s followers to be almost exclusively pornstars which led to…
  • YHC out

If that doesn’t qualify as 2ndF-ing, I don’t know what does.  There was lots of other good stuff I am sure I missed (like how does Nature Boy use the self-checkout lane when he’s shopping for 5 kids?!), including a laugh or two.  Thanks fellas.

See also