Off The Disco Rails

Though I really wanted to celebrate Disco Duck’s Respect Q, I had already committed to Q’ing OTR on this fine foggy morning. 10 others joined YHC for bunch of thangs with mediocre mumble chatter so I was told.

With no FNGs present, we started with the Pledge of Allegiance. Mozy to parking lot for warm ups

  • Good mornings
  • seal claps
  • sir fazios forward and backwards
  • Seal Claps/Overhead claps
  • Imperial walkers
  • side stradle hops

Thang 1: Partner up for Dora.

  • 100 Merkins
  • 200 Squats
  • 300 LBC
  • Partner ran pickle in parking lot

Mozy’d around baseball field to stop at the shelter for

Thang 2: Table top variety

  • Left right step ups
  • Dirkins
  • Merkins
  • Dips
  • Repeated 3x

Mozy’d to baseball field for

Thang 3:

  • lunge walk and bear crawls - alternating bases.
  • repeating 2x
  • balls to walls(fence) - pax 10 count down the line

Mozy’d to Flag for Mary:

  • American hammers
  • Boat/Canoe
  • 100’s
  • Have a nice day.

Have a nice day. COT and Hi-lighter took us out in prayer.

This Q and BB has been dedicated to Disco Duck. Welcome to Respect!

See also