Off Campus Work

A muggy Friday at the original Cary (before CarPex) AO.  It was 77 with nearly 100% humidity.   Site Q Large planted the flag and the men began to gather.   Welcome Big Bird (my boy), Puck and Viking from 20 somethings from the ITB and as well as Kotter Billy.   Great to have Billy back.  Loom is also back in the rotation, too…which is awesome.   22 Pax.

I decided to showcase a little different location this am…but heading off campus away from the dark trails of North Cary Park.

Warm Up

  • Half Lap around the pickle with a backwards run at the end.
  • Head to BB courts.
  • Circle up
  • Merkins,  plank jacks, SSH, Hill Billy’s, SSH,  Little Baby  JJ’s, Cotton Pickers and Good Mornings.   Various random counts.   15-20-10.
    • Rip and Angry Elf planned their tribes entire fall Y Guides agenda during the warm up…did not count once.  You will be separated next time.


  • Take a right onto the Street.
  • Grab some guard rail for 20 irkins and 20 derkins
  • Contine running,  Yogi apparently took a spill.  He good.
  • Grab some guard rail for 15 irkins and 15 derkins.
    • We had to slide down a bit as we were way too loud at the entrance to the hood.
  • Continue running until we enter the office park.
  • Two Milon Hill Runs with 5 and 8 burbees at the top.
  • Set up for Jacobs ladder 1-7 up the hill with Star Jumps at the bottom and burbees at the top.
  • Loose circle at the bottom of the hill with Mary exercises called by Hi-Liter.
  • Plank-a-Rama around the circle. 10 count.  The 5 count.
  • Backwards run up the hill to head back to the park.
  • Grab some guard rail for 10 irkins and 10 derkins
  • Continue running.
  • Grab some guard rail for 5 irkins and 5 derkins
  • Circle up in the parking lot for Mary
  • Low Slow Flutters, Rosalita…end at 6:26 for COT


  • Read the Chronicle for Labor Day, 9/11, F3 Dads, Pet Sounds SML week-end.
  • Prayers for the our country, prayers and praises for Yogi as he moves toward the Wild Life Officer boot camp (Mr. Tortoise is ready, y’all) and for young will.
  • YHC took us out.


  • Great squad this am.    Good to workout with y’all….treat having my son Big Bird and pals.
  • Ollie was putting in strong extra credit hill work in the office park as I scouted it out pre-work out.  Beast.

Great starting the day with you men.   Sets a terrific foundation.


See also