Of Course Battle Ropes Suck

I will admit that prior to 2021 I had only been to one workout at Cornerstone (aka the Artist formerly known as Sovereign Grace.)  But now that I know this place has battle ropes and tires I am definitely coming back.  That is the kind of stuff that was fun back when I knew what the inside of a gym looked like.     

7 other guys roll in on a beautiful morning.  Chipper is tapering, so I am doing my dead level best not to move anywhere.  We all turn where we stand to do the Pledge.  Since we are generally in a circle, we also just stay put for the warm up:

  • 5 Good mornings OMD
  • 20 SSH IC
  • 15 IW IC
  • 15 Sir Fazio IC
  • 15 Fazio Sir IC

The workout isn’t hard to explain.  8 exercises for 8 people as we move through the stations for three complete circuits:

  • Tire Flip (the timer for each individual exercise round)
  • Battle Rope
  • Kettle Bell Tricep Extensions
  • Coupon Curls
  • Kettle Bell Goblet Squats
  • Overhead Ball Slams
  • Kettle Bell Swings
  • Kettle Bell Merkins

Not a lot of funny things to recount here.  Just eight guys doing some work.

No time for a fourth round, so we move approximately 12 feet to circle up for Mary, with all 8 calling an exercise. Stay tuned for details on the upcoming Stations of the Cross workout.  Prayers for job seekers and those affected by the pandemic.  YHC took us out.

See also