Ode to Smaug

As a fan of the Lord of the Ring and Hobbit series I just had to run with this when I found it. The Pax showed up strong this morning including a FNG (kinda)

Shut In, Parker and YHC got some ECP in early to get the blood flowing. When the bell rang this is how it went down.

Disclaimer (because he wanted to be a FNG but really wasn’t. In truth I was a little confused so he got the disclaimer)

Pledge of Allegiance

Took the long way around to the basketball court for the Warm up. A strong pace for a mosey.


Side Straddle Hop, Hillbilly, IN/OUT, Good morning, Pickle Pounder, Bat Wings

Mosey to the hand railing between the two soccer fields where we traveled to Australia for a moment.

Thang 1

Sets of 10 of the following: Australian Pull-up (or push-up depending on who you ask), Irkin, Aussy Pull-up, Derkin, Derkin, Aussy P-U, Irkin, Aussy P-U

Thang 2

In our Ode to Smaug we paired a few exercises. Lining up on the endline we perform 10 Mountain Climbers (where Smaug lived), then Dragon Walked 20 yards, (Our best Smaug impersonations), then ran to mid field and back to the endline (like all the villagers did when Smaug smoked their city) to hold plank. 3 sets.

Form up into two lines for Barry Sander’s Indian run for two laps around soccer field

Thang 3

Back at the pavilion we partnered up for a lesson in equality in cadence calling. Partner 1 performed Fluttering Superman from the top of the picnic table while P2 did shoulder taps from the Derkin position. YHC called a cadence appropriate for Supermans but way too fast for shoulder taps. When we switched and I was the one down doing shoulder taps my cadence speed was half of what it was before thus drawing the ire of the PAX and a commendeering of the exercise all together. Parker took the cadence and called as I was before leaving YHC laughing so hard I could hardly perform the exercise. A good lesson learned and applied instantly.

Hail Mary - Partner 1 holds plank while P2 does dips from picnic table with feet on P1. Flapjack (x2)

Mary - Homer to Marge, Dying cockroach, Low slow flutter, American Hammer, Low Slow Flutter (Franklin style), Have a nice day


Almost had an FNG but ColeAsh decided at the last minute to own his name as he has not used that name in 18 months.

See also