Ode to Memorial Day 2018

53 strong came out to the Memorial Day Convergence in 2018 at the Field of Dreams site. Many of of those 53 will tell you the first thing that comes to mind when they recall that workout are the battle scars they bear on their elbows left behind from one particular exercise. In the past year I’ve only seen that exercise called one other time and it wasn’t warmly received then either. That exercise is the Zombie Crawl. Having the Q at FOD just one day after Memorial Day the temptation was just too much for me to not call a Dora involving the Zombie Crawl.

0545 and many of the smiling faces that fought through the Murph yesterday were up and at it again ready to push themselves hard for 45 minutes.

Warm-up: Steve Earle, Nancy Kerrigan, Cotton Pickers, 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 Burpo Ladder, Good morning.

Thang 1: Dora 1-2-3. 100 Burpos, 200 Australian Snow Angels, 300 J-Los. From the end line partner 2 Zombie Crawls 20 yards then sprints to mid-field of the soccer field and jogs back to the end line.

Thang 2: Barry Sanders Indian Run: Forming 2 lines we weaved our way through the pax like Barry did back in the early 90s.

Thang 3: Wheelbarrow: Wheelbarrow with partner about 130 yards switching as often as necessary.

Thang 4: Indian run back to the flag.

COT: Please remember the Gonzalez family. Of a family of 6 the father and two of the four children were killed in a car accident shortly after having moved from this area to Colorado.

See also