Odd Couple


  • 17 (+2 Ruckers) for partner work at #ao-mon-ateam. 6 for great discussion at #qsource. Great start to the week!


  • Pledge of Allegiance at the flag.
  • Run to the midway parking lot on the right. Circle up for: GM, WM, CP, Zebra Butt Kickers, Diamond ‘Mericans, WG ‘Mericans.
  • Partner up, size matters.
  • Run to the front of the back lot.

Thang 1

  • Partner Carry across the lot and one time around the circle. Switch as needed. When you switch, both partners perform 20 Sumo Squats. Mary while you wait for the six.

Thang 2

  • Partner 1 begins Bear Crawling counterclockwise around the circle. Partner 2 runs around the circle counterclockwise and catches Partner 1. Switch. Before you take off running, perform 15 St. ‘Mericans. Catch your partner three times. Mary while you wait for the six.

Thang 3

  • Run to the tennis courts.
  • Partner 1 begins Australian Mt. Climbers. Partner 2 runs to the other side of the court and back. Before switching, Partner 2 performs 15 Superman Pulses. Run to the other side and switch five times. Mary while you wait for the six.

Thang 4

  • Run to the speed hump. Sprint to the top of the hill.
  • Run to the top lot.


  • Using the center island light poles as markers, run to each light pole, stop and perform ten 4-count Mary-of-Your-Choice at each pole. Finish the loop for a total of eight stops.


See also