Octonauts to the Octopod

There’s valentines day, and then there’s the day after valentines day.  Well, that was today.  10 HIM’s gathered in a very pleasant 50+ degree gloom at the finest AO in Northwest Cary on a Thursday morning, and were looking forward to a workout that unbeknownst to them was borne out of a children’s TV show from across the pond….

BUT, wait, what are those lights approaching…getting closer….coming in hot on two wheels…..looks like one more HIM swerving into a parking spot….OK men, 5:45 follow me.

Warm Up:

Mosey back down the road to the junction with the hill known only as Andy Hill and wait for Napster to catch up so we can all do 5 penalty burpees together.

  • 8 SSH’s
  • 8 Windmills
  • 8 Good Mornings
  • 8 Plankjacks
  • 8 Mountain Climbers
  • Find some kerb for 8 x quick feet.

Whilst we are all circled up, time to explain todays theme….inspired by all of the recent slack-chatter on Octothreats…..each time YHC hears about Octothreat, he cant help but think of Octoalerts [LISTEN HERE:OCTOALERT]…….which are a main feature of a children’s program YHC’s 2.0’s were HUUGE fans of - Octonauts.

To demonstrate, YHC unleashed some technology onto the PAX and played the Octoalert siren - and explained that everytime the PAX heard this noise, it was a cue to stop what you were doing and do Merkins AMRAP until the siren stopped.  58 seconds doesn’t sound like a lot, but it is!

As everyone recovered from the merkins, YHC continued with more Octonauts trivia…Franklin was unexpectedly excited about this theme, and surprisingly knowledgeable about the series.  Fact - each Octonaut episode was a very precise length, the PAX guessed at how many minutes, until Nature Boy hit the jackpot and said 11.

What a great idea…..11’s it is….

The Thangs

11’s - spanning 3 lampposts distance up and down Andy Hill.  Starjumps at the bottom and Squats at the top.  Each transition was alternating between run, backward run and Bear Crawl (which was extremely popular).

During the course of the 11’s a number of Octoalerts were issued, which were increasingly popular during the bearcrawl, as there is nothing more than PAX like than a Bear Crawl-Merkins AMRAP-Bear Crawl combo.

After an incredibly long 32 minutes working hard, the final installment of the 11’s were completed, and we moseyed over to the basketball court, or Octopod if you prefer.

From the center circle, the PAX had to run to each corner representing 4 of the submersible Octonaut vehicles (Gup-A, Gup-B, Gup-C and Gup-D if you really must).  At each corner one burpee was performed before returning to the center and back out to the next corner

Circle up for Mary:

  • 20 x Box Cutters
  • 20xlbc’s then round the circle the requests for Mary
  • Franklin - Have a nice day (denied…time check 06:41)
  • Swag - Hello Dolly’s
  • Nature Boy - WWII’s
  • Beaker - Hammer (that’s Merican Hammer)
  • Franklin - Have a nice day (accepted…time check 06:44)

And done.


  • Announcements – Q’s needed.  Highlighter new 2F initiative.
  • Prayers – Highlighters Father & his 2F discipleship launch; Swag’s father; spoken & unspoken prayers.


  • YHC really really really really cant hear an Octoalert ever again…..
  • Its surprising how much Franklin knows about the Octonauts…test him on it, I dare you
  • Beaker will not be beaten  by a bear crawl.  Ever.  What a legend.
  • Kilmer LOVES YHC’s workouts…for at least the first three minutes.  Thank you for sticking with it Kilmer!
  • Goose seemed to enjoy all the Andy Hill work, and led the way with his signature move Star Jumps.
  • Highlighter really did not need to lap YHC, but did so with grace as always…HIM!
  • Nature Boy very quickly wished he’d said 7 not 11.  Yeah, we’re having fun now boys…..

Privilege to lead you men, thank you.

See also