OCD is no laughing matter

Aside: Kudos to BRR Team COT on the Quaranteam concept. T-CEPS, even. Driving to #DTP this morning around 5:15, I see one car after another turning in to David Dr Park. “Man, that’s a lot of cars for a team of 12”, thought I. Found out later that a massive run club meets at Wolverine on Tuesday mornings as well. LOL. So much for social distancing… :) But seriously, great initiative. And probably bringing that team together something fierce.

Second time at DTP for YHC. I think my last visit here I noted how I like urban jungle settings. Not that the Peak of Good Living resembles an urban jungle in any sense of the word but it’s sometimes fun to meander the concrete pathways.


Figure out where the rock pile was. Mosey across the street for some standard SSH, Phelps, GM, Sir Fazio, Seal Clap, Laes Clap, MC & Merkins. Somewhere in the 7 to 20 range for each.

Mosey to said rock pile.


Grab a rock. Humor TrackStar’s OCD and get ON the circle people!

Routine consisting of a) thang with rock followed by b) run around the building. The thangs included:

  • Curls (50x)
  • LBCs (50x)
  • Rock Rows (50x)
  • American Hammers (50x)
  • Tricep extensions (50x)
  • Squat Thrusts (25x)

Partner up. #1 lunge walks to return the rock. #2 BTTW. Flip flop.

Some stuff in between.

Mosey back to the flag. AYG down AYG Alley.


15x of LBC, Left-side Crunches, L/R Heel Touches, Right-side Crunches, H2M, Superman.


15. I’m forgetting one name. Sorry!

Announcements included blood drive (https://f3carpex.com/2020/08/27/carpex-blood-drive/) and CSAUP.

Prayers for Eileen, Dylan and his family and Wahoo’s friend with a burst appendix.


I have to stay here long enough one of these days to hit up the Beignets.

Seriously – kudos to the Quaranteam as Hi-Liter named it.

Fun crew today. Enjoyed poking fun at Trackstar’s OCD some.

Disregard! I remembered Snooki! I knew it was a name that I did a double take on. Glad it came to me.

Enjoyed moving TrackStar’s rock while he was out mosey-ing the building. LOL.

See also