Not Welcome Here

17 PAX gather in the brisk cool morning for a traveling Earhart workout.  Good too see a mix of Apex and West Cary HIM to help YHC through a new workout in a new location.  Gather the PAX at the flag for a pledge then start with walking down the path, high knees and butt kickers; with advancing age trying to start out a workout with a little warm for the warm.  Mosey to a small rise the has adequate breeze and start the:

Warm Up

Control freak good mornings (I mean Nature Boy is here)

Steve Earls

Side Straddle Hops

Seal Clap/Overhead Clap

The Thang

Done with warm-ups, partner up (speed does matter) for a little catch me if you can, star jumps out of the school and up the hill.  Little did YHC know that having Suck Up as a partner was going to be a challenge on the “if you can part”, in a good way of course.  Finally, I catch Suck Up and the rest of the PAX arrive on the UNC Health plaza.  I had aspirations to do this thang at the school utilizing their tear drop track, but alas it was locked and was not sure the exercise breaking and enteing was called for, given I was a visitor.  Anywho, there is a nice parking lot here to perform partner 11’s.  Partner one runs one way around the edge of the parking lot while partner two runs the other way, every time you meet you perform a round of partner merkins and Big Boy situps.

Not welcome:  about half way through the exercise, two employees of the UNC Health center arrive on the scene, looking for who is in charge.  Being the QIC, I step up and talk with them.  Well, they wanted to know who we were and why we were there as they had received several complaints from several ladies named Karen about us being there.  I explained as eloquently as I can at 5:45 in the gloom who we are and what we are doing.  Well, I was given the not welcome here sign and asked politely to leave.  10-4, don’t want to cause a disturbance.

Time to go back to the school where hopefully we will not have further troubles.  Again catch me if you can with this time squats back to the bus circle at the school.  YHC never did catch Suck Up as he was racing Lucky Charms back to the school.  Ugh, my aching bones….

At the school circle we are going to perform a burpee bear crawl combo, with partner one bear crawling around the pickle while partner two does 5 burpees catches the bear and flip-flops (that’s singular).  HIM complete one circuit with an opportunity to another (since our time doing 11s was cut short), this time lunges and squats were called.

Finished there we break up into two groups, the walkers go one way back to the flag while the runners proceed on the loop around the school.  YHC calls periodic stops on the way back to the flag, diamond merkins, jump squats, WW2s, flutter kicks.  Man is it cold.

Back at the flag, we circle up on our six for:



American Hammers



Watch reads 06:15 and PAX are ready to stop and head to coffeeteria (Sweetwater’s)


Count-a-rama:  18 PAX


I am honored to lead a fine group of HIM!

See also