(Not) Weather-Shamed


  • 8 HIM braved less-than-tropical-storm conditions to avoid the MaBell weather shaming.
  • The rest of you…look out.

The Warmup

  • Pledge of Allegiance at the flag
  • Run approx. five yards.
  • Drop for 25 LBC IC and 5 10-sec. Superman Holds.
  • Welcome the late-arriving Callahan and join him for 10 Victory Burpees.
  • Run to the Community Center.
  • Circle up for: Good Mornings, Groiner Merkins/Runner’s Stretch, Hand Release Merkins, SSH, Hillbillies.

The Thang****s

  • Grab a partner.

  • Catch Me While I Crawl: Bear Crawl around the big pickle while your partner runs a lap and catches you. When he does, both of you perform five Standard Merkins. Flap Jack. Catch your partners five times each.

  • 10 extra Merkins just cuz.

  • Run to the back wall.

  • Catch Me on the Wall: AMRAP Australian Mountain Climbers while your partner runs a lap around the community center. Enjoy the rain enema while he runs. Flap Jack. Run three laps each. AMRAP dips when you’re done.

  • Grab an ego rock at the pile. 20 each: Curls, Presses, Tri Extensions, Rows.

  • Run to the Kiosk.

  • Triple 7’s: Ascending Burpees at the top (6 or 7 count cadence or something), three Crab Cakes in the Middle, Freddie Merks at the far end. No shirts except Cally. Keep your shorts on.

  • Run through the lake in the field. Watch MaBell Burpee in the mud.

  • Fellowship Run back to the flag.

  • Stretch

Forward fold, left and right.

Monkey Humper stretch

Plank calf stretch, lat stretch.

Runner stretch/pigeon stretch L/R.

Fold up slowly.

Quad stretch L/R.

Michael Phelps arms.

See also