Not-so-Extreme Couponing

When the Rolling Stone tickler went out last night and a 1st-time rucker replied with “bring me a ruck,” YHC knew we had to put on a good show. What was intended to be a taper-friendly low-key stroll turned into a nice team effort with a strong crew of 6. That, with one of our usual suspects Qing the bootcamp!

Plan A: Ruck High House to the corner, greenway back, maybe do some PT. #vanilla

Plan B: With 6 present, that’s plenty of PAX to grab some coupons and hit it. And so we did.

2-man log from the woods, 35# KB, 40# sandbag. Saddle up and head toward the kiosk. Audible along the spillway toward Cary Parkway. We almost tasted the tunnel, but time dictated an about-face just shy of it. Back via the ball fields, just in time for… no COT yet? As we stowed the logs, the PAX arrived.

Welcome Shut-in to the rucking crowd. We aren’t always privileged enough to carry logs, you should consider yourself fortunate.

Tclaps to CK for rucking to and from SnS. Cobains for my route engineering after a mention of “I might leave early..” Glad you got back in good time.

Long walk on the beach this weekend. CK and YHC go see the sights in DC in mid-May. Six weeks to the 6/1 Tough!

See also