Not My Finest Hour (and 20 minutes)

Where do I start? The beginning is always a good place.

So I woke up at 5:10 am, the exact time I posted the Danger Zone EC run would start. Feeling completely refreshed and well rested, and not yet comprehending what was going on, I went to the bathroom to get ready and take care of some business. Still in no particular hurry because I wasn’t yet grasping the situation.

I went down stairs got my pre-workout drink out of the frig, and as I started to drink it, I noticed the clock on the microwave glowing 5:25. That’s when it hit me.

Not only did I sleep through my alarm, miss the EC run, but with a 22 minute drive still in front of me, I was going to be late for my own Q.

I gathered my stuff, got in the car and took off. I somehow “talked to text” a few messages to the DZ Slack channel and to Chanticleer (who I knew was an HC for the pre-run) and said I would be a few minutes late.

When I arrived at 5:48, Pierogi was leading the PAX in some SSH and then creatively handed the Q off to me with some Partner Merkins.

I sheepishly stepped in the middle of the circle, apologized and started the following:

Warm Up
Steve Earle, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Seal Clap, Overhead Clap, Moroccan Night Club.

Mosey the long way to the volleyball courts

**Thang 1
**Suicides on the volleyball courts, touching every blue line. When finished up the stairs to the shelter and plank hold for the 6. Perform 10 reps of Left/Right Step Ups; Dips; Derkins. Raccoon Crawl the length of the wall around the shelter.

Mosey back dow to the volleyball courts and Repeato. When back in the shelter complete 10 reps of One-Legged Lunge; DCDD; Creature Merkins. Raccoon Crawl.

Mosey through the greenway to the soccer fields.

**Thang 2
**All out sprint to the opposite end. 100 single count SSH. Mosey back.
5 Burpees OYO.
All out sprint to the opposite end. 75 L/R count Mountain Climbers. Mosey back. 5 Burpees OYO.
All out sprint to the opposite end. 50 single count LBC. Mosey back.
5 Burpees OYO.
All out sprint to the opposite end. 25 single count Diamond Merkins. Mosey back. 5 Burpees OYO.

Pierogi rightfully called me out for being late and assessed me with 10 penalty burpees. A few others joined in, many more starred and laughed and pointed and shouted mean things at me.

- To continue my bad morning, Sabre brought out his son Robby for the first time. When asking what he did, he mentioned data analyst for Hill-Rom. I thought that was a publishing company but I was soon corrected. Someone in the PAX must of heard the “publishing” part, but not the “I was wrong” part and suggested the F3 name Random House. Considering the way the morning went, I figured that was just fine. So welcome Random House.
- Q Swap week starts in South Wake next week. Show support to your Carpex Brothers and post when and where you can.
- Yogi said something about a new AO which will be run-heavy starting up by an Olympic hopeful maybe out toward Pittsboro. I’m sure he will post more on the COT channel.

YHC took us out with a quote from the book What the Fire Ignited by Shay Eskew.

To be truly happy and move beyond unwanted feelings of doubt, anger and regret, I learned not to focus on what I’ve lost in life, but rather on what I’ve gained. I lost the innocence of youth, my right ear, 65% of my body to burns and scaring. But look at what I’ve gained as a result. Unconditional love of my wife, 5 healthy children, a job where I can share my story and the ability to complete Ironman triathlons.


See also