Not A Flip Flop - Frisco Co-Q

The word on the Slack channel #ao-fri-dangerzone was that Frisco would be gracing his us with his presence, and maybe Qing as well. There was even some Slack DM chatter of a possible co-Q between YHC and Frisco. We really only have one thing in common: 1. We are both handsome. Other than that, we are more of a Yin-and-Yang. Differences are plentiful: one dude is a masterful Q—one dude f*%#s up every Q, one dude calls perfect cadence—one dude can’t count, one dude is a legend—one dude is a legend in his own mind, one dude has a cemented Slack name—one dude appends his name daily, …….I could go on-and-on.
True story about the first time Frisco was the QIC at DangerZone. YHC was pumped because Frisco never came all the way over to DangerZone for a workout, and he had the Q !!! YHC had mostly known Frisco through his ridiculous Slack posts, and I probably had only worked out with him a small handful of times. At the time, I was doing the 40 To The Flag videos, and couldn’t wait to interview Frisco. Lastly, I 100% percent thought this was his VQ. I was even more 100% sure it was his VQ while he ’led’ us through the workout at DZ that morning. So I’m about to start interviewing him on video after the workout, and he says “Wait a second” and takes his water bottle and squirts it on his head and shirt… make it appear that he was sweating during the workout—bhahahaha!!!!! So I interview him and towards the end mention that it was a great VQ. He was dumbfounded. Frisco says, “That was like my 6th Q”. Flip Flop: “ooops”. bhahahahaha!!!!
Anyhoo, Frisco wasn’t able to make it to DZ today, so I was forced by Blowout to lead the men today. YHC and Peeeerogi meet in the greatest cul-de-sac on earth to jog over to DangerZone, and on the way had some deep and meaningful discussion……about the need to rake leaves in our yards. (p.s. I don’t know why Peeeerogi wants to rake his leaves, cuz then errbody will see all the weeds in his lawn. bro, leave the leaves.).

Oh yes, the BB for the workout. I won’t go into great detail, but know this: it was a perfectly designed and executed workout, and all cadence was perfect.
Yes we jogged the original World Famous Pickle. Yes we did some warm-up exercises in perfect cadence, including a new for some Saturday Nite Stretch. Yes we performed some Agility City. Yes we ran around and through the park while sculpting our bodies with various exercises. Yes we went to the World Famous Smurf Island. Yes we went to the World Famous T.GI.F rockwall. Yes we returned to the Shovel Flag for COT at exactly 6:30.

Count-a-rama: 7 dudes and 1 dog
Name-a-rama: Flip Flop, Blowout, View Master, Press On, Peeeerogi, Callahan, Happy Gilmore, and Manny.
Praises: View Master completed his first 6-pack today!!! (YHC had 6.5 six packs last nite)
Prayers: View Master is getting surgery next week, and should be back in The Gloom soon.
YHC took us out.

Nekkid Mole Skin:
* This had the feel of an old skool F3 workout. We worked hard, got dirty, and sweated. No water. No frilly trunk coffee (Coney wasn’t there–haha). No Glamour Shots pictures after the workout. Pure, is what it was.
* Callahan was soooooo annoying today. (and he had a new tattoo)
* Press On was wearing some sorta vest thing with a buncha pockets in the front. In short, he looked like a unibomber.
* View Master finished a 6-pack! You could tell he was on workout #6 cuz he musta ran outta clothing; dude was wearing these ridiculous bright yellow calf-length socks.
* Blowout’s running form reminds me of a gazelle; beautiful
* Peeeerogi complained constantly of his wet shoes from yesterday, and that his shoes were “so slippery”. Dude get another pair of shoes. geeez. (BTW, Peeeerogi out of town this weekend and I have his garage code, and located in the garage is Peeeerogi’s beer fridge).
* Superlatives:
Most Likely To Lead A DangerZone Workout Soon: Happy Gilmore
Most Jealous Of Callahan’s New Tattoo: Happy Gilmore

twas a pleasure,
luv, Flip Flop

See also