Nostalgia - Football Practice Drills

Nostalgia – Football Practice Drills

On Saturday during coffeeteria after a brutal Hi-Liter led Phoenix beatdown, Build-A-Bear asks if I am going to FMJ.  I stated “yes” enthusiastically.  The follow-up question was, would you Q FMJ?  I gladly accepted.  I thought through what I wanted to do so I could make sure Build-A-Bear would get a good workout and I did not disappoint.  What’s funny is no Build-A-Bear to be seen at FMJ.  I was stood-up. It’s my fault for assuming.  You know the meaning behind the word “ass-u-me”.  LOL. I’m honored to serve as the Q for FMJ which was my first time Q’ing the AO.  So here we go.  As you can see from the title, we are bringing it back old school.

Warm Up

We moseyed to warm-up the legs a little.  We stopped at the corner for a quick warm-up. GMs, Cotton pickers, windmills, Sir Fazio arm circles forward, overhead claps, and SF arm circles backwards and finally merkins x25.

The Thang

After the quick warm-up, we moseyed over to the 50-yard line on the football field.  I let the pax in on what I concocted to bring it back to our football drill days.

Thang 1: In two columns, 2 Pax will do 5 rounds of merkins x10, 50-yard sprint, and then 5 squats.  No one starts until I say “go”.

Thang 2: Circle up for some high knees with burpees x10 on my down mixed in.

Thang 3: In 2 lines, we did 3 rounds of 25-yard bear crawls with a plank hold until group two catches up.  Q calling “go’ again.

Thang 4: Circle up for more merkins with 6-inch hold mixed in.

Thang 5: Back into two columns for 3 rounds of 25-yard lunge walk 2x2. Q calls “go” again.  Turn around and lunge walk back to starting point when Q calls “go”.

Thang 6: Circle up for some squats and squat hold.

After doing drills, we moseyed over to the playground for some modified jack webs (1 pull-up to 4 squats up to 5).  Some Pax did EC by doing 1 pull-up to 5 squats.

Once all Pax were complete, we moseyed over to the backside of the hill next to the flag for bear crawl up the hill and crawl-bear down the other side.  After that, we walked to the flag and circled up for some Mary.


With 9 mins left, we circle up and Q calls on a pax for their favorite Mary exercise for 10 reps.

American Hammers (Frisco), Turkish get up (Cataracts), burpees (Shank) and then have a nice day


Count-a-rama: 10 football trained brothers

Name-o-rama:  Cataracts, Disco Duck, Frisco, Grinch, Intimidator, Saban, Shank, Texas Ranger, Theissmann.

Announcements: 4th of July Convergence at SWW @ 0630 start.

Prayer/Praises: Prayers for Arsenal’s friends.  Prayers for Disco Duck’s M (Kelly) for healing.  Prayers for Mississippi. Prayers and praises for Water Wings and his M for their 2.5. Praises for my M & 2.0 getting back safely from NYC.

YHC took us out.


That was the most running I did in a while.  It is always a pleasure to be out with you gentlemen for some good-old nostalgic football drills.  What a blessed morning!  Until next time!

See also