No worries - I got the Q and the flag!

It was Monday night and I get a text from Hermes asking if I will be there tomorrow. I thought “of course.” Text him back and quickly get signed up for the vacant Q and get solo site Q duties.  No worries. Fortunately I have been to a few F3 workouts so I poached off ones I enjoyed.

Warm up

SSH, IW, GM, Plank Jacks, Merkins

Thang 1 (Thanks Michelob and Whiplash)

Run toward the bridge and stop at the T in the greenway

Run to the bottom of the hill 15 Spiderman Merkins, run to the top 25 Jump Squats, run to the middle of the bridge 10 Pull ups, then back down the other side the same way.

Thang 2 (Thanks FlipFlop and Ultimate Frisbee workout days)

Run to the basketball court for pylos and such.

Butt Kicks, High Knees, Franksteins, Lunges, Open the gate/Close the gate, Bearcrawl, Inch worm Merkins, 50% x 2, 80% x 2, 100% X 4, 80% x 2, 50% x 2, broad jumps

Go gos – go forward for the first “go” then backwards and so on until “finish” is called. Multiple Pax call it out – Joe Smith, Oofta, Yoga Mat, and Cheddar Bo

Thang 3

Repeat Thang 1 on the way back

Thang 4 (Again modification from Michelob)

Sevens over the concrete balls – Burpees/American hammers

Thang 5 (Thanks someone from F3)

Dips, Irkins, boxcutters, Dips, Irkins, Sprinter Abs

Run to the Flag for merkins wave in a circle (thanks Glass Joe) and final American hammers.

COT and YHC took us out in prayer.

See also