No Weird Sh*t Here

First off, we are missing some names up top.  This is what happens when you procrastinate and do a Friday workout recap on a Monday.  If you are missing and care enough to ping me, I will add you in.

What a morning.  Short sleeve weather and a hint of dawn.  Good thing the time change is going to get rid of that shortly.  There is my first Old Maid sighting in approximately a year.     

Mosey across the parking lot and circle up for a warm-up:

  • 5 Good mornings IC
  • 25 SSH IC
  • Calf Stretch with 15 merkins IC
  • Other Calf Stretch with 15 merkins IC
  • 15 IW IC

Everyone loves the IC merkins except Term Paper.  He admits that he is only here because he is ducking a Banjo Q at SWW and isn’t expecting to work this hard.  Term is informed that this will be exactly like a Banjo Q without any weird shit thrown in.

We mosey down to the lake with a brief stop to bear crawl the bridge.  Run to the pull up bars and partner up for a Dora:

  • 100 Pull-Ups
  • 200 Merkins
  • 300 Squats

Mosey back to our warm up spot with appropriate bridge bear crawl.  Partner 1 runs up the long entrance hill and back while partner 2 does LBCs.  Flapjack.  Do it again with a Chilcutt.  Chicken Little needs to work on his form.

Mosey back to the flag for a Pledge of Allegiance followed by LSF, H2M, and WW2.  Track Star does some exercises on his own because we apparently ended 37 seconds early and he has OCD. No announcements.  Prayers for Pet Sounds, Hamm, Headroom and everyone else dealing with injuries.  YHC took us out.

See also