No Upper Body for YHC

It’s well known in Carpex how if you want to get on the Q sheet you need to plan ahead. So, that is exactly what YHC did when signing up for various Qs throughout the year. However 22 days ago YHC fell off his bike, was taken to the ER, and messed up his shoulder pretty bad. After having to give up 2 of my Qs since then, it was time to get back out there!

YHC is at 70% at this point with really the only limitations being some upper body stuff such as merkins, BTTW, burpees, planks, and basically anything that puts weight on the right shoulder. Hence this was a very catered workout for that. See below:

**Warm Up
**Mosey in to the park taking our first right in the parking lot only to exit said parking lot and circle back towards the entrance and then right back to the same lot again. We circled up for the following:

Good Mornings ICx20
Windmills ICx20
Frankenstein Leg Kicks ICx20
Hillbillies ICx20

**Thang One
**Mosey to the lot where A-Team has typically been doing COT where there is conveniently located 4 islands.

Start with 30 LBCs then run to the next island for 30 squats then run to the next island for 30 jump lunges then run to the final island for 30 WWIIs. Repeato on the way back through each island.

**Thang Two
**Partner up based on speed.
Catch me if you can with 2 Turkish Getups each time you’re caught. We did this all the into the back of the park by the tennis courts stopping at the stop sign as you enter the turnaround circle.

**Thang Three
**Enter the center tennis court.
Triple 7’s with Vups and Homer to Marge

Partner back up. Partner 1 does People’s Chair while partner 2 ran to the other end of the tennis court for 2 Turkish Getups. We did this until the Q said to stop.

**Thang Four
**Exit the tennis courts.
Form 4 lines for Indian Runs back to the parking lot with the 4 islands.
When we arrived we started at the far end and repeated the items from Thang One.
When we finished we ran to the starting parking lot where we did the Warm Ups.

Pam Anderson ICx20
American Hammers ICx20
Have a Nice Day


There were absolutely no announcements!

Prayers for Heehaw as he recruits candidates for our states next election cycle.

YHC took us out and gave thanks for healing up to this point only 3 weeks after the accident.

Apparently Turkish Getups are not a frequently used exercise around Carpex but they soon will be as YHC continues to give them more exposure.

I appreciate all of the PAX bearing with me through this A-Typical non upper body workout. I could sense some complaints and eye rolling.

Glad to see some PAX out there that I haven’t seen Post in a while.

See also