No theme, just disillusionment

It would have been easy - though maybe a bit trite - to come up with some March Madness themed workout given the championship game was the night before. But YHC was just ready to get the juices flowing and work out some aggression because:

  1. YHC was tired from having stayed up and watched a basketball game
  2. Officials and BOG overseers of the university that the winners of said basketball game represented willfully, arrogantly, and unremorsefully initiated and perpetrated the longest and most egregious case of academic fraud in the history of sports in order to keep players eligible, maintain their cash cow of a revenue stream and ultimately win championships so said officials and BOG overseers can bloviate to their country club, academia, faux academia, and law firm colleagues how “their” basketball team is better’n your’n, all while NCAA and ACC officials nodded in agreement as aforementioned officials, BOG overseers, hired mercenaries, PR firms and pompous academics obfuscated, hid behind obtuse laws, delayed, denied, countered, covered up, and persecuted in order to keep the truth from being exposed.

But I’m not bitter. And it’s 0545 so follow me around the baseball fields by Ma Bell Lake to the far baseball circle for Warm-Ups

  • 5 burpees
  • SSH
  • 5 burpees
  • Merkins
  • 5 burpees
  • GMs
  • 5 burpees

The Thang

Continue on around the baseball fields and back down to the rock pile. Pick a substantial non-traveling rock for:

  • 71 rock curls (the one and only punishment for aforementioned $18M banner)
  • 5 jump-over-rock burpees
  • 20 overhead rock presses IC
  • 5 jump-over-rock burpees
  • 15 tricep extensions IC
  • 5 jump-over-rock burpees

Put rocks back and follow me to bottom of hill leading up to USA Baseball parking lot. Squat hold until PAX arrive, then backward run to the mailbox at the top of the hill / entrance to parking lot. Mosey to first parking row and split into groups of 3 or 4. Man carries 3 lengths of the parking lot. Plank hold when done for some plank-o-rama.

Move to the next parking row and man-carry 3 again, followed by squat holds, squats IC, and little man jumping jacks IC.

Move to the next parking row and karaoke the length of the parking lot and back, followed by Captain Thors up to 5 and 20. YHC had planned to finish the set up to 10 but…well, you’ll see.

Move to the 4th and man carry again down and back. Oops, we’re out of time and nowhere near the parking lot. Total Q fail. Let’s double time it back to the near baseball circle for COT:

Name-a-rama: 1 hate, 10 mehs, 3 RESPECTS Announcements: Pergo needs help loading the U-Haul Thursday evening for his move. Rumors of a grand piano on the second floor are unsubstantiated; Churham/CarPEX convergence on May 6th; CarPEX family picnic also on May 6th; Come out this evening to Rush Hour for Ma Bell’s 2nd Q of the day Prayers: Sputnik’s M, Shutty’s M and Uncle BOM: YHC tooks us out in prayer


I just can’t even anymore. Integrity and justice are dead.

See also