No Stairs, No Squats, No Lunges

Three PAX showed up on a rainy afternoon for a workout that promised no stairs, no squats and no lunges.  Unfortunately none of our 9/11 stair climbers posted.  Next year we’ll promise lots of stairs, squats and lunges.

Warm Up

Mosey over to the parking deck to get out of the rain, find a few empty spaces so we don’t get run over.

15 side straddle hops (YHC did them Nature Boy style - WOO!)

15 imperial walkers

Good afternoons (Banjo style while we talked about how we met our Ms)

10 burpees OYO (new Rush Hour tradition)


Confined to the parking deck by the foul weather YHC pulled out his trusty 540 Toll.  5 exercises performed 24 times, then repeating while decreasing the reps by 3 at each cycle.  5 x (24+21+18+15+12+9+6+3) = 540.  On the menu today we had merkins, LBCs, star jumps, Carolina dry docks and Homer-to-Marge (aka the Ascot Special).

Birthday boy Crimson suggested we run to the other end of the deck a back after each cycle.  YHC couldn’t say no on his birthday.

Running out of time we stopped after the cycle of 12 and moseyed back to the courtyard near the fountain to finish up.


10 burpess OYO (another new Rush Hour tradition)


Feet in the fountain we talked about what F3 has meant to us, the positive impact of improving our health and increasing our circle of friends.  With all of the negative things happening in the world today, and all of the struggles our F3 brothers and their families and friends are going through, Crimson took us out with a prayer that we can all find peace of heart and peace of mind.


I love Rush Hour.  I love the downtown Cary location, I love the almost limitless workout options, I love the smaller, more intimate crowds, and I love that it’s the only afternoon AO in Carpex.  So I’m very excited and honored to begin my time as site Q here.  I encourage all of F3Carpex to come check it out.

See also