No run = more fun!

“If it ain’t rainin’ it ain’t trainin’” attrib. various rowing coaches. Often followed at this time of year with “If it ain’t snowin’ it ain’t rowin’”. Both followed with helpful coaching tips such as “Row better!”.

For those who’ve not been much, or ever (Welcome, Texas Ranger!), Claymore is a limited run ao - I’ve found this can be taken to mean there are only short runs back and forth, round the pickle etc., or that the total amount of running should be short. YHC decided to make this a zero run event. Eliminating the runs, where invariably the PAX just mumblechatter along, taking it easy ( ;-) ), naturally leads to more time doing stuff. No run = more fun!

Warm up:

Following a gentle stroll over to the basketball court: Good mornings x 5, Windmills x 10, Abominables (15s: SSH, arms out SSH, arms down SSH, plank straddle hops), Calf stretch, Control freak merkins x 10

Thing 1:

So we weren’t stuck in the one place for the entire 45 mins, we inch-wormed our way backwards about 20 yards, then burpee/standing jumped forward the same. Inch-worms seem to take a remarkably long time to do, far longer than the burpee/standing jumps back up the “hill”. Probably the name should have given it away.

Thing 2:

Stroll over to the rock pile to do a no pickle Dora: Partner up. Partner 1 starts to get through 100 rock your bodies, 200 rock rows and 300 rock squats while partner 2 works through 10 merkins, 20 mountain climbers (IC, 4count=1) and 30 Freddie Mercuries (IC). Swap over when partner 2 is done.

Thing 3:

Place the rocks carefully back where we found them, then repeat Thing 1, starting this time with the burpee/standing jumps (to get us back up the incline) then inch worms down.


Stroll over to the flag. PAX form a plank circle, feet in center, with each in turn bear crawling round the formation while the others hold the plank. Switch to side planks as YHC tries (and fails) to work out which side the bear crawling PAX missed so he can balance it out on the second set of circles. This all tired out YHC’s capacity for thought and so in-advisedly offered Kwik Stop the opportunity to get his revenge for the Abominables by calling Eskimo merkins. Texas Ranger then called 15 WWIIs to wrap up into Have a nice day.


PAX: Both site Qs, 1 welcome first-time post at Claymore, 1 gamely modifying through injury, 1 YHC.

Announcements: Raleigh Mule (if you can do this post, you can do that, although there’s at least 8 miles more running at the Mule, and that’s likely an underestimate). CARPEX community day on March 21.

Prayers/praises: Best of luck to Kwik Stop in recovering from injury. Prayers for Pickle’s MIL who is giving up smoking. Prayers for Frisco’s M.

YHC took us out. Thank you, all, for a great start to the day!

See also