No Mucking Way!

September 17, 2018

YHC was inspired last weekend. He spent Saturday prior running around in the mud in Denver for an MS charity.  Knowing he had to figure plan a workout for the old crew on Wednesday AND that it rained a little bit in the area, inspiration quickly took hold.  Not knowing exactly WHAT they were going to do, he definitely knew WHERE it was going to happen.  There was even a PSA on the site AO days ahead of time.  Time to get dirty…or not.


Lot’s of pre-workout hugs and chatter.  It’s great to be back.

0545, let’s roll.  Mosey up to the gym lot all the while a friendly reminder from Hi-Liter that “not sure how you do it in Denver, but we usually start with the pledge here”.  Good humble debate distracting from what was coming next.

Circle-oval-blob up for a little something the F3 Austin guys love…arm circles and lots of them.  20 forward (ok, not so bad), hold, 20 backward (hmm, starting to feel it), hold, 20 overhead clap (this is getting boring but at least YHC got to walk around and catch up with the HIM), 20 seal clap (really bro?)…yeah, how are those shoulders boys?

Windmill x10 for the back.  Karaoke around the pickle, always facing east…to the left, forward, to the right, backward…repeato.  Squat hold for the 6, circle up, count off 1,2…Franklin get us started…done.  So far so good, everyone’s shoes are spotless.

Thang 1

Mosey in the pitch black to the lower field where the swamp awaits….and things go sideways from here.  Anyone bring a lamp?  No? Huh.  YHC leads PAX to the middle of the field…wet enough for ya?  In your groups, Tunnel of Love…yes, really.  Mumblechatter increases exponentially.  Group 2 wanders off in the darkness to higher ground in the dark while Group 1 completely goes AWOL and tunnels up on the asphalt sidewalk.  Y’all sure this is better?  Parker, how are those knees bro?

PAX no likey the muck and were VERY mumbly about it.  Audible the rest of the way

Thang 2

Vanilla, here we come.  7’s on the hill.  Squats at the top, burpees at the bottom.  LBC while holding for the six.  Anyone else notice how humid it is?

Thang 3

Elevator squats each lightpole to the stop sign; delevator back.  Plank hold or pick up the six when you finish.  Group up for Indian run to parking lot of pain then back….dang it!, gate is closed.  Audible again to billy run to the flag.


Merkin x20 on my down boys, on my down.

Freddie Mercs x20

Moped gave us some dieing cockroaches

Can’t have a nice day without a good morning.


Announcements – Odyssey 10/20; email, slack, tweet emails for any Sad Clowns in the Denver, CO area…YHC needs your help

Prayer – Quick recovery for HotSpot’s Dad’s neck; FIL hip; BIL DIL.  McCants, we need you back brother.


Was it something I said that made y’all revolt?  Or was it that you’ve been wet for the past 2 months?  Freed to lead boys, freed to lead.

T-claps to Bartman for recording COT.  NO WAY I was going to remember all 37 of you bad-asses.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again and again and again….can’t thank you enough for letting me lead you HIM.  Not sure when I’ll be back but I will be back.

PS: Scott from Boulder hasn’t responded in five days to Frisco’s open letter.

See also