No Mamby Pamby Here

On a rare weekend at home, Earhart put out the call there was no Q for Piranha Park. YHC quickly snapped it up. EC and pain options abound at Apex Nature Park, even though the AO has to start so late to allow Cheddar Bo Jr the chance to unlock the cot dang gate. Anyway, remembering an OTB EC run we did a few months ago in from Vicious Fishes then back again afterward, I decided to resurrect it. I was joined by Old Maid, Earhart, and Ninjago (who Earhart had tricked into running EC.) That’s good parenting if I’ve ever seen it.

We arrived just in time for the main event. After a hearty plank allegiance (yeah you read that right), we circumnavigated the parking lot and amphitheater for warm-ups. Warm-ups consisted of perfectly cadence counted exercises expertly designed to prepare the body for the physical trauma it was about to endure. There were merkins.

After prepping our bodies, we jogged on down to pull-up pond where we partnered up for a non-traditional catch-me-if-you-can. Partner 1 started on a run around the pickle while P2 walk lunged, when P1 caught up, they flap-jacked. The only difference is that when the runner passed the pull-up bars, they stopped to perform 5 pull-up burpees - a definite crowd favorite. Continue the pattern until all the way around the pond. Pick up the six, do some more burpee pull-ups, or plank-a-rama until all teams finished. Repeato except with crab walks and 10 merkins at the pull-up bars.

After round 2, we moseyed up to the corner by the playgound and the hill up to the lower entrance. YHC was planning to use one of the fields for the next Thang. But, alas, they were in use by youth playing some euro-looking sport where you don’t use your hands. Looked stupid. Anyway, with lightning quick decision-skills honed by years of QIC experience, YHC audibled to use the hill instead for a mini-Dora with your same partners.

When all teams had completed their Dora, we headed back to the flag, giving an AYG up the final hill. There we circled up for some Mary-inspried ab work with such favorites as Pamela Andersons, Hello Dollys, and of course, Copperhead Merkins.

Count-a-rama: 13

Name-a-rama: 3 Respects (I think), 2 Hates, 8 Mehs

Announcements: TCP

Prayers: YHC led us out

Then 5 (not 4) ran back to Vicious Fishes where 5 more PAX took the easy way there. Much camaraderie ensued. Thanks for letting me lead, pushing each other, and making me laugh. It was an honor and a privilege to be there.

See also