No Kilts, No Problem

A brisk fall morning greeted the 13 PAX who came out to check out Carpex’s newest Tuesday morning AO. No one was sporting a kilt, and YHC detected a sense of relief from the PAX on that fact. The Joker and Repeato both were able to walk in from their Scottish Hills homes, Repeato doing so with a ruck sack on his back. Some lively chatter as everyone waited to see what YHC had in store for them. Some questioned the Q’s choice of short sleeves on this chilly pre-Halloween morning, but were assured that they would warm up quickly.

It’s 5:45 and we’re off for a, jog?! That’s right, gentlemen, this is _limited-_running, not _no-_running. Alas, it was just a quick jog to get the blood flowing, with some high knees thrown in for good measure around the side parking lot and back to the flag for the pledge of allegiance.

Mosey over to the parking lot along the right field line for warm-ups:

  • SSH x 15 IC
  • Claymore Squats (more on that below) x 10, on my down AND my up (Earhart)
  • Shoulder tap merkins x 10 IC
  • Plank hold for 10 count around the circle
  • Hillbillies x 15 IC

Partner up and grab an ego rock for thang 1:

  • P1 bear crawls along the side of the parking lot and then lunge walks back, while P2 starts on…
  • 100 rock curls
  • 200 rock merkins
  • 300 dying cock-a-roach rock presses
  • Flip flop until completed

Return your rock and mosey over to the tennis courts. Thang 2.

Starting at the corner, PAX line up in BTTW position for Crazy Indian Run. First PAX runs to the end of the line, calls out name of next PAX who then runs. Continue until we have covered the width of the first 2 tennis courts.

Repeat the above, but in People’s Chair position and ten-count before running. This time we cover the width of 4 tennis courts, all the way to the corner. Time’s running short, so we forgo the counting for the last few rounds.

Mosey back to the flag for Mary:

  • American Hammers x 15 IC
  • Freddy Mercury’s x 15 IC
  • Have a Nice Day

Count-a-rama: 13 PAX, with a couple of Respects and a couple of Hates

Name-a-rama: Billy, Cluster, Disco Duck, Earhart, Ezekiel, Frisco, The Joker, Leprechaun, Ninjago, Pickles, Press On, Repeato, WWW


  • Carpex Quadruple Down on November 17 (Ruck, F3, FIA, Carpex Dads) - Bond Park
  • Frisco, WWW and Disco Duck are looking to put together a clown car to head down to JoCo on Saturday in the near future. Contact one of them for details if interested.
  • New high-intensity workout, Gran Torino, starting on Friday. 5:30 at Green Hope Elementary. There will apparently be running at this one. :)

Prayer requests:

  • Pray for Frisco’s mother, who has a growth that has enlarged recently on her thyroid. Pray for wisdom for the doctors and peace of mind for her and the family.


  • Really like the site that we’ve chosen for Claymore. Very well-lit, with lots of options: tennis courts, basketball courts, baseball field. And, it’s all very compact, so perfect for the limited-running nature of this AO. For those who want to get some mileage in, there’s always the possibility of an EC MVP run in from Food Lion. Foreshadowing?
  • Very pleased with the turnout for our first workout. Apparently, there are numerous PAX in the Scottish Hills neighborhood, so it will be a convenient option for those guys for sure.
  • Thanks to Disco Duck for encouraging me to start this up; to Banjo and Franklin for their support; to Shut-In for all the comms support, to Goose for helping Frisco and I put the flag together, and to Frisco for stepping up to help as co-site-Q for Claymore.
  • Very happy that Leprechaun really wanted to come out for the launch, even though it meant a bit of a scramble to get ready for school on time.
  • Also good to see Earhart’s 2.0, Ninjago, out in the gloom with us. He and Leprechaun seemed to enjoy themselves when they partnered up.
  • So admittedly, the Claymore Squat is a bit contrived, but I wanted some sort of signature warm up for the new AO. It’s a basic squat, but with both arms extended, one fist above the other, as though you were pulling a two-handed sword (claymore) out of the earth.
  • Finally, something Dredd said recently on the F3 podcast, 43 Feet, that really helps YHC on days when the fartsack beckons. Paraphrasing, but it was something to the effect of “…my best days always start with F3”. YHC finds that to be very true – I don’t always look forward to getting up before 5:00 and the temptation to go back to sleep is always there, but I’m always glad that I did, and it helps to set a positive tone that carries me through even the toughest of days. Thanks to all of you for helping my day get off on the right start. It was a pleasure to lead you.

See also