No... I said fist sized

Apologies dear Reader – it’s a short one today. It’s late and YHC is making a trek to the Land of Oz tomorrow, where everything is wonderful, taxes are high, grades are always B+ and Duke really is the devil. Churham here we go!

But let’s stick with Flirtin’ for a minute. The pre-run here is no joke. About ten showed up and at 0500 we were off. And I mean like a flash.

“Who knows where we’re going?” ask I.

“Just follow Lookout,” someone answered.

As if you could even see the dude! By the time we got around the second corner all you could see was a faint light bobbing in the distance. Luckily Chops was with him, yelling for him to slow down the whole time. So we just followed him.

Another half dozen or more join for the main event. They expect a cupcake workout. I expect no one to follow directions. We are both right.

Warm up

Pledge. Mosey to the rock pile.

“Grab a rock. Fist sized. It will be with you the whole time. Make that TWO. One for each hand.” YHC thought this was pretty clear. But as we circle up for SSH’s, there’s Bluewater carrying two watermelons and what looks like a baby or two. SMH.

“A cantaloupe is not fist sized!”

Squat and hold the rocks above your head while we wait. Once everyone is here: SSH IC x20, IW x10, GM x5, Sir Fazio forward & backward x10.

“We’re heading to the bridge. Now’s your time to switch out your rock.” A half dozen see the wisdom in changing their ways.


Mosey to the bridge with a few stops for squats, merkins and Sir Fazios en route.

Start with 25x of burpees-flutter kicks-pull ups-chasing rabbits-world worst merkins as you cross from one end of the ramp & bridge to the other. Decrease by 5 each time.

We did two sets. And modified the WWM’s pretty quickly.

It was enough.

Mosey back to the flag


20x: dying cockroaches; LBC; American Hammers

10x: superman & B-52


Count: 19 (I am forgetting a name)

Announcements: none

Prayers: for country; for COVID cases


  • I enjoyed this one. Even though the weight was not a lot, it allowed us to work the forearms a bit. And it really did make a distance when running and SSH’ing.
  • 0 geocaches logged this time.
  • Bluewater & I talked offroading. Offta & I talked UP. Chipper & I talked kneecapping Lookout.
  • Great to see a lot of starting-to-be-familiar faces in South Cary.

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