No bacon, no end zone dances just a piping hot serving of maple glazed, candied pain. Triple Threat Style with burpees taboot!

Date: 4/2/19 QIC: WWW AO: FWD PAX: Kitty Litter, Lite Brite, Oofta, Smokey, Titanic, WWW, Yoga Mat

My quest to Q once a week is still going strong. I drove the FWD proper yesterday, after work, to recon the AO. What’s deceiving is when you are driving in your car, you do not realize that FWD is in a valley; therefore, to get out of it, there is an incline no matter which direction you chose and venture off to. I’ll let you know how I came to that conclusion as you read on.

F3 admin stuff + Pledge of Allegiance. Easy mosey around the short pickle. Circle up for warm-ups.

Circle up for warm-ups GM, Abe Vigoda, hamstring stretch, runner’s stretch, Sir Fazio (forward/reverse), seal clap, air presses, overhead claps.

Now that we are warmed up and stretched out, QIC called for the PAX to split into two groups, somewhat, evenly. Indian mosey out of the park to the corner of Cary Parkway for the thang.

Thang 1 LPtLP (Light pole to light pole): modified jack webbs (Triple Threat). At each light pole in a de-escalating fashion starting with 12 merkins to 48 air presses to 48 sumo squats. Based on the number, you’re correct, there are 12 light poles to get to. Remember, I mentioned that no matter where you go away from FWD you will encounter an incline. Yes, the incline continues in the NE direction towards HWY 1. YHC was glad to call de-escalating vs. escalating.

Thang 2 (return trip to the start) LPtLP: Boat / canoes x10 for 6 LPs and then switch to LBCs x10 for the remaining 6 LPs.

The pace was such that we all finished together. Indian mosey back to the flag to finish out with thang 3 & Mary.

As we get to the flag, QIC calls squat hold so I could retrieve my sound machine from my car. Yes, I had something in mind and believe it or not, it was not Thunderstruck. Don’t get me wrong, I love me some Thunderstruck but I wanted to try something different. I looked at the exicon last night and went through looking at all the routines that required music and came across Chumbaburpee. The others were good, believe me, you will be experiencing them in the near future.  Chambaburpee was my final choice because me and burpees have a love-hate relationship. As Hi-Liter stated in multiple workouts I’ve been privileged to experience, there is never enough burpees.

As I sat in my car listening to Tubthumping by Chumbawamba before start time, mind you, I did not finish the song. So, I was going into the exercise knowing when to burpee but I did not know the exact timing of the burpees except that it starts out with 4 burpees right off the bat and then continues with sets of 4 until about a minute left to the song. Then it blows up. I had the total amount in my consciousness but did not realize that you do speed burpees at the end (LOVE IT!!!). Talking about taxiing your cardiovascular system, OH BOY! I can say, it ranks up there with Thunderstruck. So, if you are reading this, YES, Chumbaburpees will be added to my repertoire of music routines … why you say, BURPEES!!!

Circle up for Mary: PAX favorite Mary – 10 count. QIC closed out the workout with 150’s and Have-a-nice-day.

Count-a-rama: 7 Name-o-rama: 3 respects, 4 meh, 0 hates

Announcements: 24-hour prayer vigil on April 5th starting at midnight … see Slack for details (we need prayers volunteers and prayers).

Prayers / Praises: Prayers for Ausfarht, Sooey, McCants on their recovery. Prayers for Hermes and Silverback on their upcoming surgery. Prayers for Disco’s M, Kelly, for continued strength dealing with her ailments. Praises for Kitty Litter and his M for their baby’s arrival in January and for his M going back to work, recently.

BOM: YHC led us out.

NMS: There is a saying at FWD, you are always running uphill going away from the AO. It is absolutely true!

For those of you who have not Q’d before and plan on it, the exicon is a great tool with fun ideas to bring the heat. There are a plethora of cool exercises and routines to use.

I always have a blast trying to develop a workout. The goal is to ensure the PAX get a good workout and do not waste their time.

I continue to live up to incorporating burpees into my workout. I can honestly say, a burpee will challenge you physically, mentally, cardiovascularly (it’s not a word but it works for what I’m trying to promote … BOTTOM LINE: BURPEES ARE THE BOMDIGGITY!!!)

It was great and a blessing to have led you HIMs this morning. Thanks for being there for me.

See also