No 605 Boys

14 early birds opted for the latest and greatest 0515 AO ever to grace Carpex with its presence!

As AC/DC’s “Back in Black” lit up the airwaves of the Kokabooth parking lot pax began arriving in their themed black attire.  Forget tanks.  “Badass Black” all DAY!

The question, “Do we need headlamps?” was presented and quickly laughed off by the 3 co-site Qs.  Yes, 3 site Qs.  Let’s meet them:  Hermes - cofounder of FWD, greek god, and headband wearer.  Repeato - virgin site Q, rucker, 9 toenails.  Virgin site Q, rucker, 9 toenails.  Shut-In - temp site Q, angryish.

YHC 3rd-wheeled this launch due to Repeatoe’s toe injury.  Now that that is on the mend I’m steppin out, no pun intended.  Hermes was set to co-Q but due to shoulder injury YHC stayed on.  Basically the site Qs together equal one healthy person.  It’ll work itself out in the end.

So here’s what went down:

- Dislcaimer

Repeato - Warm Up - Thunderstruck burpees (theme-game is the only thing lit at Back in Black) - Mosey in to Kokabooth - Dora 1-2-3:  Dirkins, Irkins, Jump Squats

Shut-In - Leave The Booth and head to parking lot(s) - Stop for Jack Webb 1 merkin: 4 air presses - Catch Me If You Can:  Backwards run, 10 monkey humpers

- Pledge of Allegiance

- Count / Names / Announcements / Prayers / Hermes took us out

5 for coffeeteria @ NY Bagels

Home by 0700

See also