Nines and elevens

It’s not everyday that you get the chance to Q one of the premiere workouts in all of Carpex, Shaken Not Stirred, so when Sabre asked for someone to step in, YHC was more than happy to oblige. Alas, YHC could not make the 9/11 stair climb at Carter-Finley due to work meetings, but this was the next best thing. Arts and Crafts was in town for the same meetings and looking for a beat down. However, he wasn’t there when we started, so off we go:

Wait! There’s A&C, pulling into the lot as we jog past. You know what that means… Continue jogging to the rock pile lot and circle up for :


  • 5 “Welcome to Carpex. You’re late” burpees OYO
  • 9 good Mornings IC
  • 11 SSH IC
  • 9 arm circles forward IC
  • 11 seal claps IC
  • 9 arm circles backwards 
  • 11 overhead claps
  • 9 merkins
  • 11 imperial walkers IC

Thang 1: mosey to big hill for 9’s or 11’s, PAX choice

  • LBCs at the top
  • Star jumps at the bottom

Recover and mosey to rock pile partner up and pick out a rock (ego size)

  • P1 alternates through 
  • 9 rock rows
  • 11 rock curls
  • 9 overhead presses
  • 11 tricep extensions
  • AMRAP while P2 runs the pickle

Repeat for a total of 6 rounds  (3/PAX) or until time. 

Mary: jog to garden area behind Senior Center for Mary - 9’s and 11’s of PAX choice, including:

  •  American hammers IC
  • Control freak merkins 
  • 11 Freddy Mercuries IC
  • Dying cockroaches 
  • Box cutters
  • Have a nice day silently reflecting upon those who sacrificed that day 18 years ago, putting others before self, and those who have given their lives since then to protect our country and defend our way of life


  • Odyssey: October 5. YHC will be looking for food and other donations to help with the SAG Patrol


  • Thoughts and prayers to those still affected by 9/11 18 years ago
  • YHC shared a slightly modified post from social media. While though the numbers were not exactly right, the point of the statement rings true:
    “On this morning 18 years ago 246 people got up in preparation for their morning flights. 2,606 people started getting ready for work. 343 firefighters began their morning shift. 60 police officers began their for morning patrol. 8 paramedics prepared for the morning shift of saving lives. None of them saw past 10:00am Sept 11, 2001. In one single moment life may never be the same. Tonight as you go to sleep in preparation for your life tomorrow, kiss the ones you love, snuggle a little tighter, and never take one second of your life for granted.”
  • Thank you men for the opportunity to lead you on this historic and solemn day.