nine for nine

Frontblast: It’s Monday afternoon, and I’ve been on this call for 77 minutes. I was a ‘critical component’ of this call, and finally just got called on. They ‘couldn’t hear me’, assessed that I had dropped off and rolled right along. I’m officially off the grid for the next 43 minutes, so guess what - YOU GET A PLANNED Q!

Backblast: FNG Check / Disclaimer / Oh wow there’s more than 1 PAX outside of myself

Warm up in the deep parking lot with:
GM / IW / SSH / HB / SM / Annie / ST

Standard JP@FWD continuation of the warmup with a mini Mary in the playground:
100 each of Merkins/Squats/LBCs (with a partner).

Scoop up a rock on the way over to the Wellington Park Shopping Center.

Partner 1 does a set of AMRAP rock exercises while Partner 2 paints the lines.
The exercises: Curls / OP / TE / RR
Paint the lines facing a different direction each set.

Some advanced car activity in the parking lot, so return to the park for 3 Rounds with Rocky Balboa at the near pickle, featuring Rock WWIIs, Rock Squats, and Rock Hammers.

Full House with the most collaborative 10-count of all time.

Back to the rock pile for 20 Rock Your Bodies IC. Return the rocks and back to the flag.

LBCs till 6:15 and THAT’S IT!


Trunk Coffee (ya missed it, unless you didn’t)
HGTV VQ @ SWW Friday
K2C Saturday

Those in the silent struggle
Kids getting college news
US Leadership


9/9 at trunkcoffeeteria. Sign of a healthy site (even if everyone stayed/traveled to the western AOs today). We were either single digits or 20+ across the sites today. Tighten up… or maybe don’t.

I always look up the date using the Google machine to see if there’s a theming opportunity. Genesis 1:28 is the be fruitful and multiply verse. Also, Luke 1:28 is the Angel greets Mary the ‘highly favored’ one. Good moment to be on the cusp of becoming a father again.

Full disclosure, I didn’t end up planning this Q until this morning. But hey, I DID start the BB and start thinking about it yesterday. Minor victories.

Love you guys, that was an encouraging morning.

See also