Nice Cool Fountain Water

Well, another Tuesday night has come and gone just that fast. Which meant the finest and only evening AO in Carpex took place. This week, though only 5 pax posted, YHC was thrilled to have a variety of guys who showed up for the beatdown, as far as their their presence at Rush Hour is concerned. We had two familiar faces with Press On and his (fur) 2.0, Briefs. We had a first time RH post from Entitlement, and we also saw the return of the one and only Disco Duck! So it was going to be a great evening! Once the two minute warning was up, a disclaimer was given, the pledge was recited, and we were off and running to the opposite side of the main building for warm ups.

Warm up:

  • Good Mornings
  • SSH
  • Sir Fasio Arm Circles
  • IW
  • Plank Jacks

Thang 1:

Ascending and Descending Merkins at each lightpole, going from 1 to 5. Then go back down to 1. Continue along the lightpoles till you reach the corner fountain.

Thang 2:

2 rounds of body weight Exercises on the fountain.

R1: Irkins, Dips, Dirkins, WWII, Squats, Lunge walk to a certain point and mosey back.

R2: Irkins, Dips, American Hammers, WWII, Squats, Duck walk to a certain point and bear crawl back.

Thang 3:

Make our way back, doing 1 Jump Squat at each lightpole.

Thang 4:

Partner exercises:

Round 1: P1 does BTTW while P2 runs to a wall and does Dips, then switch.

Round 2: Repeato with People’s Chair and Left Right Step Ups.

Round 3: Repeato with Chilcut and Pickle Pounders.


  • Freddy Mercs
  • LBCs
  • 100’s

We finished up by dunking our feet in the nice cool water of the big fountain.

Announcements: The blood drive going on. The Odyssey is coming up in October.

Prayers/Praises: For Entitlement’s friend, Father Ty, who passed away recently. For comfort for his family. Also for healing for Disco’s friend Rory who’s battling prostate cancer.

YHC took us out!

See also