New Year, new SNS

After a rousing start to 2019 at the 1/1 convergence, it was great to see 32 more PAX lined up to continue getting after it in ‘19.

No FNGs, you all know how this works, so let’s go.Quick turn at the end of Billy Run Road back to the parking lot, circle up:

  • SSH x20
  • IW x19
  • Standard merkin x20
  • Mountain climber x19


Count off by threes and mosey to.. the back of YHC’s car, where coupons awaited. A quick two-round draft left each team with two coupons. YHC did not prep his squad well; we ended up with the two heaviest items. #cobains

Indian Run, with coupons being passed from front to back, the long way to the boathouse. Stop along the way for another round of 20/19 with some squats and flutter kicks.

Please take a moment as we demonstrate the safety features of this AO. There’s an AED at the boathouse. They are stupid simple to use. Pull it out of the case, and 911 is dispatched immediately. Shoot, if you don’t have a phone, maybe that’s worth doing all by itself. However, at this point, the AED will start talking to you, telling you what to do. Little pictograms on the pads show you where they go. Follow the prompts.

CPR is also stupid simple these days. “Push hard in the middle of the chest.” That’s it. No breaths, no head-tilt-chin-lift, just pump chest and get the AED and the medics there ASAP. Everyone should know the basics.

Oh, did I mention burpees? Every time the coupons hit the ground, we did 10 burpees. Including when the Q said “ground the coupons.” You’re welcome.

Ten burpees at the boathouse and we got back on course toward the kiosk, up the hill and to the community center rock pile, IRing all the way.

At this point, Angry Elf took over and treated the PAX to two rounds of rock-your-body followed by BTTW. First round, 20x and 20sec, second round 19x and 19sec. Some People’s Chair thrown in for good measure.

Back to the start point for some mary, called out by Flacco and Sabre. Homer was Marge’d.


A changing of the guard at SnS has been due for some time. A Jefferson Starship-like rotating contingent of site Qs has been attempting to keep things between the rails for a while now, and it’s time for some fresh blood. Sabre and Flacco will lead SnS into the bright future with renewed vigor.

Thanks as always for the chance to lead, follow, and learn. Aye!

See also