New Home

This was the second of two ’late commit’ Qs by YHC on Sunday night, and for an easy reason. Good chance this could have been 3 scoop Qs, but I didn’t want to grab a Wednesday to leave that open for a Maynard or a Cleaver (which I proceeded to FS through anyways). Point Break was open, and the FWD-PB-SWW combo would have felt appropriate given upcoming circumstances. More on that in the NMS.

Drove around the AO for some recon (far too cold to lose my heat that far before the pledge… + Q-ing in the post-COVID world makes it imPOSSible to walk down the workout beforehand for logistic reasons - nary a bathroom is open that early).

Plan in hand, popped out with TWO MINUTES! to go and called for FNGs. None to speak of, so here’s a pledge, and off we go.

Mosey to the greenway lot for a warmup consisting of

8 count GM / SSH / IW / SM / PJ / SM

Up and follow me to the west side baseball field.

Thang 1 - the Field of Dreams (only 10 burpees at home) for 2 full rounds

Gather the PAX with a victory lap around the bases and head out the secret park exit to the long CRB building lot. Gather up via a bearcrawl from halfway through to the end. Continue on to the hidden garage.

Thang 2 - Jack Webb Intervals. There are 5 pillars. Starting at one end, run intervals, doing the increasing Jack Webb exercises at each pillar. After 5, run to the far end, which becomes the new baseline. Intervals with 6-10 on the pillars. Gather at the original end, scratch that, let’s go up the stairs. We have some time, so deep lunge walk the entire length of the parking section.

Long mosey back to the flag via the streets to complete the loop. Pause at the corner for a buncha squats.

Pickle the flag until we’re all back… and then do these:
AH / BC / WW2 / H2M / LBC / HAND / oh there’s Chops / THAT’S IT

COR - 17
NOR - 3 RESPECT, 14 Meh

Announcments - Oakwood 24 in a week, DDD next year

Prayers - Big Red, Disco’s fam


Pro-tip, never trust me if I say we don’t need a light, but it kinda feels like we might need a light.

YHC is moving to town next month! Gonna try to still make the typical tours around the region, but South Cary is about to be our home base. These AOs are easily the closest every day of the week. Really figures that I put a stake in the ground at DZ back in February… only to have the pandemic force considering a move earlier than the original master plan. Don’t make claims, I guess.

Definitely followed the ‘do what you know’ model of Tuesday’s Q by pulling from previous SWW Qs - and there was a considerable overlap from that workout to today attendance-wise! Micro-region has staying power.

Thanks for the chance to lead, y’all. Def made the day a great one.

See also