New faces and new places in DTC

Standing around the parking lot at the original CARPEx Thursday AO, one of the OGs dropped a bomb:

“I hear those boys in Apex are thinking of a separation. With all the growth in Apex, it may be time for them to get their own region”

You could hear a pin drop.

Sure, these days it seems like a new AO is cropping up on the west side of 55 every other week and Sooey hasn’t let the fact he EH’ed Frisco from EH’ing most of the rest of Scotts Mill. But as I started to worry that the OG may be onto something, I looked around at the 24 men who came out to Bradford’s this morning:
- problematic numbers
- two AOs for the price of one
- and at least 6 dudes I’ve never seen before

DTC is doing just fine. And there’s a lot of DTC yet to explore. Let’s GO! 13 stay for BO while 11 slide off for Rubberband Man.


Nope. That nonsense is for Apex. Let’s mosey. Butt kickers, high knees and carioca en route.

Thang 1: Pocket park

Circle up by one of those fancy Cary benches shapes like a lyre. 20 SSH sliding right into 20 more Smurf-jacks. 10 windmills.

Keep things going down to the pocket park at the corner of Park & West. Split into two groups.

Group 1: 10x L/R step ups / dips / derkins, repeato
Group 2: run north on West street (keep Cary confusing) and give me 5 burpees at the crest.

Flip flop and repeat 2x each.

Thang 2: Heater Park

Stay to the left. Lots of early birds heading out this morning and this part of town was built before sidewalks were invented.

At Heater: 5 burpees and Group 1 goes left, Group 2 goes right around the park. 10 star jumps when we meet up. Continue back to start. Flip flop.

Bear crawl back to Dyer with a few stops on the way back to the flag: merkins, dips & step ups at the fountains. Dips, derkins and irkins on the wall in front of Guess House. Welcome Kitty!


20 IC L/R heal touches
10 slow heals to heaven
20 supermans
8 good mornings


Countarama: 13… no wait, here comes RBM. 19… no wait, 5 more… 24
Announcements: Q-school. Punctual start/stop will be covered.
Prayers: Gilligan, Disco Duck’s M and FIL, Speedracers interview


I don’t get out to BO often but I love it out here. Don’t ever change.

Good to see and meet so many new people in Cary.

Thanks for the EC Angry Elf. Will have to hit the hill by Heater next time.

See also