New COVID-19 Version High Tempo

A new time and a new history being made. This is the first week of Full Metal Jacket since schools have closed and a new work from home policy has begun for most due to COVID-19. Always looking at the silver lining, that should equate into more HIMs being able to post…and we were not disappointed.

First exercise, the Pledge of Allegiance

Warm Up 

Took off on a little mosey to explore across the street. Circled the church grounds and decided to head back over to the grade school area. Well, why not charge the only hill on the grounds to then circle up to do some warm-up exercises–Side Straddle Hops, Social Distancing Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Windmills and Good Mornings.

Enough with the stretching. Less stretch, more work. Let’s get to the work.

Thang 1

When I did the Q a couple of weeks ago, we did not have enough time to finish The Beast. No better time than the present to finish what we started. The men were anxious once again, but caught on quickly. Some of these fellas completed the 2/3’s version of the Beast, so they knew what they had in store.

We retraced our path to put back into place the gentle “S” pattern to give us our 6 stopping points where we completed Destroyers and Hallelujahs. The first lap we picked up where we left off–5 each of the Destroyers and Hallelujahs. No problem for this formidable crew. On the second (and final) lap, we did 6 each of Destroyers and Hallelujahs. One hundred percent completed Beast. Quite a feat. Only a few whimpers from the crowd and no broken grape skin this time (perhaps due to a non-Callahan posting day). Onward to the next sets.

Thang 2

Seizing the opportunity to roll out new lexicon exercises, we lined up in the street to complete a set at each lamp pole on the way back to the flag. Run in-between each set and completed the following “new” exercises:

Contagious cough arm swings

OMG squat jumps

Viral turkish get-ups

Infectious imperial walkers

Deadly LBCs

19 of each, of course


Gathered in a circle, we knocked out a few last activities to give a final push to our COVID-19 themed workout — Chill cut scorpion pickle pounders, Hello Dolly, Goodbye Dolly, and a Scorpion stretch, followed by Have a Nice Day.


Prayers for society at large as the COVID-19 Pandemic continues to affect our nation and the world.

The Carpex convergence in Burgaw to rebuild lives on flood-stricken Whitestocking Road has been postponed until we get post the COVID-19 concerns.

Ma Bell and Banjo announced that their church is seeking help on Saturday morning and lunchtime to do some landscaping. DM either of them or just meet at Bradford’s Ordinary on Saturday.

Introduced the kneeling social distancing circle of men to close it out with a prayer.

PAX Count

8 Total, 1 Respect, 1 Hate

Naked Man Moleskin

  1. Enjoyed having 2.0 Garfield back at my side doing the Q. Being out of school for only a day has certainly given him pent up energy and a need to be back around F3 fellowship.
  2. Workouts, even premiere high tempo ones, can still take place with proper social distancing measures effectively in place.
  3. The mumble chatter from the group was quiet this time around, but sometimes quiet is what gives you peace of mind.

See also